seru | |||
seru-alam | the universe. |
serual | see SELUAR. |
seruan | call, cry, appeal |
seruan karena rasa marah | fuck it |
seruan perang | war cry |
serudukan | attack, ramming |
serudukan/palu air | header |
serudung | k.o. monkey. |
seruit | harpoon. |
seruitan | a whistle. |
seruling | k.o. flute. |
seruling pikolo | piccolo |
seruling tanda bahaya | alarm flute |
serum | serum. |
serumah | be under one roof. |
serumah penuh | houseful |
serumbung udara | air vessel |
serumit | as complex as |
serunai | 1. a wind instrument with a reed. 2. k.o. flowering plant. |
serundeng | /serunding/ relish of grated coconut and spices. |
am, an, beseech, call, called, calling, course, cry, exciting, exclaimed, exclaims, exclamation, exclamatory, foul, fun, gasped, great, intense, interesting, interjection, invite, invoke, invoked, pray, render, summon, sun, supplicate, term, those, unto |
Contoh(Tawa) Seru ya? (Laughter) Cool, yeah?
antara tanda seru dan tanda tanya. between an exclamation point and a question mark.
dan kita sebagai planet telah berubah begitu banyak, jadi sangat seru and us as a planet had just changed so much, and it was incredibly exciting.
Saya pikir hal itu bakal seru. I think it will be great.
Jadi, ah, tadi itu seru. So, ah, that was fun.
situasi yang sulit, menjadi permainan yang seru. difficult situation into a fun game.
jadi sesuatu yg baru dan seru buat saya. into a new and promising experience for me.
lakukanlah hal-hal seru dan menyenangkan dengan itu .. Just do that kind of stuff and have fun with it.
Kadang-kadang yang seperti ini seru juga, kan ? And sometimes these are fun, right?
JA: Betul, Ini kasus yang seru, jadi begini JA: Yeah, this is a great case, you know.
Itulah kenapa masa kini adalah masa paling seru That's why it's a very interesting time to be in --
? Kami teman, seru, jadi kami tidak kesepian. ? ? We are pals, it's cool, 'cause we're not lonely, ?
Thumper: Seru kan Thumper: Some fun,
meledakkan diri menjadi perdebatan seru exploded into these raging debates
Tetapi perjalanan itu menjadi seru sekali; Banyak sekali yang asik. but it was a blast. I had so much fun.
dan menyelam ke dalam lembah itu, disanalah yang benar-benar seru And when you dive into that rift valley, that's where the action is
tentang hal yang paling seru on some of the most fiercely held