Indonesian to English
setahu as far as o. knows.
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  1. bertahu-tahu
    (sok tahu, setahu)
setahu kufor all i know
setahun demi setahunyear-to-year

Related Word(s)

aware, knowledge, understand


Setahu saya, wanita di Arab Saudi
As long as I've known, women in Saudi Arabia
lima atau enam single sebenarnya, setahu saya --
actually five or six new singles, as near as I can tell --
satu dari enam plaster utama, setahu saya, yang dibuat untuk film itu --
one of the original six plasters, I think, made for the movie --
oleh pertanyaan yang setahu saya mustahil:
to what I knew was an impossible question:
Dan setahu saya,
and as far as I'm concerned,
CA: Setahu saya, ada seorang analis intelijen Amerika
CA: I mean, there's been this U.S. intelligence analyst,
Dan hal ini (mengubah persepsi) setahu saya tidak diajarkan di kurikulum manapun di Amerika.
And yet, it is not taught in any K through 12 curriculum in America that I'm aware of.
tapi setahu saya
but it seems to be the case
yang setahu saya tidak ada tanaman lain yang melakukannya,
that no other plant that I know of does,
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