Indonesian to English
setengah jam half an hour
setengah jam
please wait
by Xamux Translate
jamhour, clock, time for doing, watch


Anda duduk di kursi itu selama satu setengah jam.
You're going to sit on these hard chairs for an hour and a half.
Suruh pria itu menunggu setengah jam,
Tell that guy to wait half an hour.
Huygens membutuhkan dua setengah jam untuk turun, dan mendarat pada permukaannya.
it took two and a half hours to descend, and it landed on the surface.
Seandainya saja saya punya setengah jam untuk bercerita
I wish I could spend half an hour telling you
dan menghabiskan setengah jam
and spent a good half an hour
Dan saya dapat banyak, sekitar 30 dalam setengah jam.
And I got a lot, like 30 in a half an hour.
Yang bisa datang bisa mendaftar. Mereka datang kira-kira setengah jam sebelum kelas.
Whoever can make it signs up. They go in about a half an hour before the class.
Saya masuk setengah jam sebelumnya
And I came in half an hour beforehand
sekaligus, setiap setengah jam,
all at once, every half hour,
Ini dipanaskan sekitar setengah jam, dinginkan selama satu jam.
It heats up for about 30 minutes, cools for an hour.
Mereka mungkin sudah ada di jalanan sekitar setengah jam.
That guy's been on the road probably for the last half hour.
dan akhirnya setelah satu jam, satu setengah jam berputar-putar
and eventually after about an hour, hour and a half of just going back and forth,
tapi ingatannya paling lama satu setengah jam.
and that is at most an hour and a half.
Bermeditasi selama setengah jam.
Meditate for half an hour.
dengan menghabiskan 8 setengah jam untuk makan
by spending eight and a half hours per day eating,
Selama setengah jam, tidak terlihat jarum
And over the course of half an hour, not one syringe
Setelah tiga setengah jam, dia melihat ke jamnya,
After three and a half hours, he looked at his watch,
Walaupun menghabiskan empat setengah jam,
Even if it takes me four and a half hours,
atau tiga setengah jam untuk menyelesaikan buku saya, saya lakukan itu.
or three and half hours to finish my book, I do it.
dan memotong sekitar 40 menit dari tiga-setengah jam waktu perjalanannya.
and knocking about 40 minutes off a three-and-half-hour journey time.
Saya bangun di pagi hari, membongkar tenda, meluncur ke utara selama tujuh setengah jam,
I got up in the morning, took the tent down, skied north for seven-and-a-half hours,
dua setengah jam untuk pergi kerja di pagi hari.
two and half hours to get to work in the morning;
Dua setengah jam untuk perjalanan pulang. Lima jam waktu pulang-pergi untuk bekerja.
two and half hours to get to home. Five hour commute to work.
Kami sudah berkendara sekitar lima setengah jam
We'd been on our bikes for around five and half hours
Kira-kira perlu setengah jam bagi rasa kenyang
It takes about a half hour for that full feeling
oleh manajer dari Jepang selama setengah jam,
by this Japanese manager for a half an hour,
Selama 13 setengah jam operasi,
During the thirteen-and-a-half-hour surgery,
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