Indonesian to English
sewaktu when
please wait
by Xamux Translate


  1. selagi
    (ketika, mumpung, saat, selama, semasa, semasih, sementara, senyampang, waktu)
  2. selama
  3. semasa
  4. semasih
  5. berbarengan
  6. serempak
  7. serentak
  8. simultan
sewaktu menyebutkanat the mention of
sewaktu-waktufrom time to time

Related Word(s)

accepting, ah, aid, angels, appear, appoint, as, believe, believed, belike, breast, but, call, cannot, continue, day, death, did, do, don, during, enter, error, express, finally, full, happiness, help, her, house, imagined, intent, life, listen, mine, nor


dan dilepaskan sewaktu berhubungan intim oleh kedua pihak.
and is released by both sexes during sex.
saya yakin sewaktu di penjara,
I'm pretty sure when I was in jail,
Tapi harus saya katakan, sewaktu saya di kelas satu,
But I've got to say, in first grade,
Kami bertemu sewaktu liburan keluarga pertama saya.
We met her on our first family vacation.
Sewaktu saya kembali ke San Francisco, kami menyewa bangunan ini.
So when I moved back to San Francisco, we rented this building.
saat bermain sepakbola sewaktu kuliah.
playing soccer in college.
Kita mengedit diri sendiri sewaktu kita mempunyai ide-ide.
We self-edit as we’re having ideas.
bahkan sewaktu mereka tidak terlihat begitu beda antara satu dan lainnya,
even if they don’t seem that different from each other,
Jadi sewaktu desainer-desainer bekerja dengan ide-ide
So when designers are working on ideas,
sewaktu kamu ditinggalkan di gang
while you’re left out in the hallway
apalagi sewaktu kamu memakai video, itu sangat ampuh.
particularly when you use video, is really powerful.
Dan mereka adalah beberapa cara yang dipakai desainer untuk bermain sewaktu bekerja.
those are some of the ways that designers use play in their work.
Dan ada sederetan tingkah laku yang kita pelajari sewaktu masih anak-anak,
And there are a series of behaviors that we’ve learnt as kids,
matahari yang kita gambar sewaktu kita anak-anak.
that Sun that we all draw when we're children.
Pada akhirnya, jika kita menguji para murid untuk berhitung secara manual sewaktu ujian,
In the end, if we test everyone by hand in exams,
saat kecelakaan sewaktu bermain ski menuruni bukit
when a freak summersault while downhill skiing
Lalu, sewaktu sarapan, bagian babi yang bersama anda,
Then, at breakfast, the pig that I followed,
yang sangat dia sukai sewaktu kecil
that she loved when she was little
sewaktu jaman Uni Soviet.
[during the] time of [the] Soviet Union.
untuk perdamaian dunia sewaktu saya hidup --
for world peace in my lifetime --
Sewaktu gempa bumi Haiti,
During the Haiti earthquake,
Bayangkan sewaktu Anda bertemu orang lain,
Imagine whenever you meet any other person,
atau pernah mengalami penyiksaan sewaktu kecil
or who were abused as children
sama seperti saya tergerak saat menonton "Star Wars" sewaktu masih kecil.
the way mine was sparked as a little girl watching "Star Wars."
sewaktu anak-anak tetap ada hingga dewasa.
as children persist into adulthood.
Dan sewaktu dia tumbuh, mereka akan tumbuh di sekitar ranjau,
And as they grow up, they will grow up around the mines,
sewaktu berski di awal musim semi -- ya, saya jatuh.
during late spring skiing -- yes, I fell.
Sewaktu dunia berputar,
As the globe spins,
Sewaktu kecil
As a child
Sewaktu Perang Dunia ke-2, kita harus memproduksi banyak barang.
In the second World War, we needed to produce a lot of stuff.
Itulah contoh dari kegiatan sewaktu kami berjalan
And that's an example of what we may do as we walk across
sewaktu berusia 17?
when you were 17?
Lalu dia berkata kepada saya, "Kamu ingin jadi apa sewaktu masih kecil?"
And then he said to me, "What did you want to be when you were little?"
dia mengirim SMS sewaktu saya masih dalam perjalanan, tahu bahwa saya takut.
he texted me on the way over, knowing I was scared.
dan merugikan anak-anak miskin sewaktu digunakan,
and hurting poor kids at the point of use,
menikahi wanita yang pertama saya nikahi sewaktu saya berusia 20 tahun.
marry the woman I first married when I was 20.
sewaktu SMA atau SMP?
from high school or junior high school?
Beberapa tampak seperti tempat tinggal saya sewaktu saya mengambil program pascasarjana.
Some of them look like places I lived in as a graduate student.
Kebanyakan orang menjatuhkan sarang itu sewaktu masih kecil.
And most people knock them down when they're small.
Saya tahu hal ini, karena sewaktu saya bersekolah di dana,
And I should know, because during the time I attended that school,
sewaktu gempa bumi di tahun 1954.
during an earthquake in 1954,
dan sewaktu di dalam kandungan
and in the womb,
karena itulah mobil saya sewaktu kuliah.
because that was my vehicle when I was in college.
Saya pertama kali terkagum dengan gurita sewaktu masih kecil.
I first became fascinated with octopus at an early age.
sewaktu kecil?"
when you were a kid?"
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