Indonesian to English
si kecil the little one
si kecil
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siparticle before a name/title denoting familiarity or the capacity of the
kecilsmall, little, young, minor, insignificiant, discouraged


Di sebelah kiri ada si kecil Emmalou
On the right we have little Emmalou -- Southern family.
Di sekolah, si kecil Billy
So little Billy goes to school,
Dan si kecil Billy menjawab, "Ayah saya seorang pemain piano
And little Billy says, "My father plays the piano
"Si kecil Billy mengatakan hal yang sangat mengejutkan.
"Very shocking story from little Billy today.
Tapi setiap spesies, termasuk si kecil Prochlorococci,
But each of these species, even the tiniest Prochlorococci,
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