si | particle before a name/title denoting familiarity or the capacity of the |
si | |||
si alamat | the addresses |
si anu | what's his name |
si bongkok | humpback |
si kecil | the little one |
si pemberani | the bold one |
si penerima | consignee |
si penghitung asuransi | actuary |
si penimbang dan pemutus | adjudicator |
si pertanda | the harbinger |
si terhukum | condemned person |
si tertindas | the oppressed |
si tukang cium | dictum kisser |
sia-sia | useless, meaningless |
sia-sia belaka | a fool for one's pains |
sia-sia; percuma | without result |
sia-sia; tanpa membawa hasil | without effect |
siaga | 1. ready, alert, prepared. 2. Boy or Girl Scout (9-13 years old). |
siah | siah-layah move from side to sidem oscillate. |
siak | 1. (Islam) mosque caretaker. 2. see SIAH |
sial | unfortunate |
accidents, accuser, again, becker, belong, busy, child, disgusting, exacting, he, him, himself, his, hurts, husband, if, instead, joe, leave, man, offender, one, parents, ruler, s, slayer, so, stand, the, this, victim, woman |
Contohnamun dia menunjukkan dia mempercayai si korban. it's that he shows he trusts the victim.
Otak dari si korban melepaskan oksitosin The victim's brain releases oxytocin,
dengan gelombang kimiawi ini yang dibentuk oleh si sel proto. by these chemical waves that are forming by the protocell.
dibanding si nomor satu, masuk akal sekali than there is number ones, it makes perfect sense
Flipper si lumba-lumba. was Flipper the dolphin.
"Dan Tuhan," katanya pada si miskin, "menjawab permohonanmu And God," he said to the poor man, "is answering your plea
Si pengemudi berhenti setelah menabrak si bocah The driver pauses after hitting the child,
dan pemilik sehingga si anjing penuntun and train the recipient so that the guide dog
bisa menjadi penolong yang bermafaat untuk si orang buta. can be an effective help to a blind person.
dan melalui vagina si wanita." And you go through the woman's vagina."
dan memilki bantalan ini supaya itu dapat beristirahat pada kaki si pemain and have this cushion so that it can rest on the players' legs
Dia menggoyang-goyangkan lidahnya ke arah si bayi. He wagged his tongue at the baby.
Si bayi membalas menggoyangkan lidahnya. The baby wagged her tongue back.
Tapi si orang ini, Laura, But anyway, this same person, Laura,
kini dikenal sebagai Tan Le, si pengungsi dan aktivis sosial, was now Tan Le, refugee and social activist,
si pendatang baru, a recent arrival,
sehingga saat si pendengar menjelajahi lingkungan itu, so that as a listener traverses the landscape,
berdasarkan jalur yang dilalui si pendengar. based on a listener's chosen trajectory.
"si wanita menangkap "bola" si pria." "she's got him by the balls."
dia tidak pernah bertanya tentang si wanita." he never asks about the woman."
dan dia menyadari ketika dia menemui si pembunuh berantai and he realizes when he meets him
Dan si pencekik bahkan mengatakan, And the strangler says very matter-of-factly,
Jika si juri tidak bisa membedakan si mesin dan si manusia, If the judge can't tell the machine apart from the human,
Si pengemudi bisa mengetahui seberapa besar energi The dashboard that shows drivers how much energy
membuat si ugal-ugalan makes former speed demons
Dan dia menyadari bahwa hal ini membebani si penderita and he realized it was debilitating to individuals
Inilah romantisme kita. Mu-ta-si. Kita adalah mutan. It's our romanticism. Mu-ta-tion. We are mutants.
nasib dari sahabat-sahabat lama saya, si banteng bersayap the fate of my old friends, the winged bulls,
saya hanya si pembual besar and I'm the great bullshitter
dan kemudian si peneliti menggandakan isinya, and then the experimenter doubles what's in there,
Tapi bisa menjadi simbol bahwa si pemakainya It can stand as a symbol that the wearer
Si kucing besar, It is the big cats,
dan si plankton. and it's the plankton.
Si lalat akan merasakan kehadiran pemangsa. The fly is going to sense this predator.
sama dengan waktu si lalat melihat pemangsa menakutkan ini, the fly has seen this looming predator,
Sekarang si lalat unggul dalam hal sensor Now flies excel in the sorts of sensors
saya ingin mengarahkannya pada kepala si lalat. I'd like to turn that over on its head.
dan si lalat menyukai permainan ini. and this is a game the flies love to play.
Anda akan lihat si lalat mulai terbang, dan dia benar-benar and you'll see the fly start to fly, and the fly is actually
saat si lalat benar-benar dalam perilaku aktif when the flies actually engage in active behaviors
Chester Carlson, si penemu, And Chester Carlson, the inventor,
bahkan penderitaan atas si penyebab kesengsaraan beliau dan banyak orang lainnya. even of the perpetrators of his misery and the whole mass of beings.
Sekolah kami mempertunjukkan Bill Nye, si Pria Ilmiah. Our school would show Bill Nye the Science Guy.
yang langsung disediakan si pelayan. which the waiter brought over promptly.
si kepala besar. big, old melon-head.
Jadi pada contoh ini, si ilmuwan sensus menggunakan 2 kapal. And so in this example, a census scientist took out two ships.
Ketika itu saya dikenal dunia sebagai si pejalan. I was, for all the world, the "walking guy."
Bahkan, kami memanggil mereka "si jingga lezat" dan "si ungu lezat" -- In fact, we called them Pinkalicious and Purplicious --
kalau dibiarkan berkreasi sendiri, si anak pasti berprestasi." if left to their own devices, a child will achieve."
Si akademisi cerdik ini sedang melakukan trik kecil sepertinya. " This is a smart academic doing a little bit of tricks here."