sinagoga | synagogue. |
sinagoga | |||
synagogue | |
noun |
(Judaism) the place of worship for a Jewish congregation
(Yudaisme) tempat ibadah untuk jemaat Yahudi
synagogue, synagogues |
Contohtentang seorang kaya yang pada suatu hari duduk di sinagoga. of a rich man who sat in synagogue one day.
membawanya dan masuk ke sinagoga, took them to the synagogue, went into the synagogue,
Petugas kebersihan memasuki sinagoga. The cleaner came into the synagogue.
Ia berburu ke sinagoga. "Aku akan mengambil roti itu dari tabut sebelum ada yang menemukannya." He rushes to the synagogue. "I'll get it out of the ark before anybody finds it."
di gereja atau mesjid atau sinagoga, in the church or mosque or synagogue,
atau di gereja atau sinagoga, di dekat Anda or the church or the synagogue, down the street.