sisanya | the balance |
sisanya | |||
another, equity, finally, left, other, out, percent, remainder, remaining, rest, rp, rubbish, while |
Contohke tetanggamu. Itu yang diajarkan dalam Taurat. Sisanya adalah penjelasan. do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. The rest is commentary.
dan sisanya and the second half
Satu persen mencentangnya. Sisanya tidak melakukan apa-apa. One percent check the box. The rest do nothing.
yang menyusun 73 persen sisanya. that makes up another 73 percent.
dan sisanya hanya untuk kartu pos. and the rest of it is just for postcards.
Anda punya setengah dari ide-ide tsb, seseorang memiliki setengah sisanya You have half of an idea, somebody else has the other half,
Dan lima milyar orang sisanya, And the remaining five billion,
dan mengkotakhitamkan sisanya, and then you black box the rest,
dan sisanya dapat ditangani. Jadi saya harap Anda menganggap hal ini menarik -- and the rest we could deal with. So, I hope you find this both fascinating --
dan membakar sisanya dalam api unggun. and they burned the rest in a bonfire.
sisanya hilang dalam kebakaran. the rest was lost in a fire.
Semoga saja masih ada sisanya." Please let there be some left.'"
dan sembilan sisanya saling berbagi. and the other nine in 10 are sharing.
sedangkan hampir semua sisanya, and whereas almost all the rest of them,
Sisanya diisi oleh "itu sikutnya jangan ditaro di atas meja" dan "tolong oper sausnya." The rest of it's taken up with "take your elbows off the table" and "pass the ketchup."
oleh mereka yang bertahan di sekolah, sisanya putus sekolah semua. Those who were still around in school, besides the people who had dropped out.
Namun sisanya, yang telah pasrah But the rest, who succumb into it,
Dan 1 persen sisanya And then the other one percent
menggunakan pembalut. Sisanya, menggunakan kain lap, are using sanitary pads. The rest, they're using a rag cloth,
Kalau anda melakukannya, sisanya tinggal bersantai menuruni tanjakan. If you do that, the rest is just pretty much a coast downhill.
Lalu apakah sisanya? What about the rest of the pie?
Sisanya bahan yang sangat misterius yang disebut energi gelap. The rest of the pie is a very mysterious substance called dark energy.
lalu kami akan dapat membayar sisanya sendiri." then we will be able to pay for the rest ourselves."
Mereka makan sekitar sepertiganya, dan sisanya diekspor They eat about one-third, and the rest is exported
Sisanya akan menjadi lebih tua dan akan ada 2 miliar anak. The rest of you, you will grow older and you will get two billion children.
Sisanya akan menjadi lebih tua dan ada 2 miliar anak lagi. The rest will grow older and get two billion children.
Sisanya adalah tempat tidur yang nyaman. The rest of it is the bedside console;
Dan kesenjangan antara dunia Barat dan sisanya And this gap between the West and the rest
Dan sisanya, and all the rest,
Sisanya adalah ahli astronomi, dan saya salah satunya. The odd one out is an astronomer, and I am one of that strange breed.
empat persen sisanya kesan yang lain. four percent of them have been "other."
Sisanya di sini bagus. Sisanya bagus. The rest here is good -- the rest is good.
sementara sisanya dipekerjakan sebagai tukang pijat mereka. and the rest of us are employed giving them massages.
Dan sisanya adalah sejarah. All the rest were historical.
Kalau diambil hanya 1 persen, 99 persen sisanya diabaikan, If you go down to one percent, exclude 99 percent of the group effort,
kenapa anda harus mengabaikan seperempat sisanya? why do you want to give up a quarter of the value?
untuk mengabaikan seperempat sisanya itu, so that you have to give up a quarter of the value,
Anda membakar sisanya, dan Anda bisa menggunakan sebagai bahan bakar You actually burn up the waste, and you can actually use as fuel
Sisanya diperoleh dari top 1 persen. All the rest went to the top one percent.
Jika Anda menghitung semua sisanya If you include all the drain,
setengah sisanya justru berpawai the other half was actually marching
maka 9 kg sisanya adalah limbah, the other nine kilograms are waste,
Dan sisanya, And the rest of you,
Sisanya adalah dari awan (cloud). The rest of it's from the cloud.