sistim | system |
sistim | |||
sistim arus putar | three phase system |
sistim arus searah | direct current system |
sistim astatis | astatic pair |
sistim ayunan | oscillation-method |
sistim blok | block-system |
sistim cermin | mirror-method |
sistim dapat gerak | moving element |
sistim defleksi | deflection-method |
sistim desimal | decimal |
sistim dua pengantar | two-wire system |
sistim elektromaknetik | electromagnetic sysytem |
sistim heterogen | heterogenous system |
sistim homogen | homogenous system |
sistim informasi | information systems |
sistim kawat banyak | multiple wire-system |
sistim kering | dry process |
sistim koil | coil system |
sistim koloidal | colloidal system |
sistim kopling dengan minyak | fluid drive |
sistim kordinat geodetik | geodetic coordinat system |
facilities, system, systems |
ContohDimulai dengan sistim suara ping tiga dimensi, So starting from a three-dimensional ping sound system,
sistim perhubungan yang benar-benar berfungsi untuk memindahkan orang, transit systems that actually work to transport people,
jalur kabel itu biasanya mempunyai sistim yang berantakan dan sering rusak, they're usually pretty crappy systems that break down a lot
sistim dari kolaborasi, atau sistim hak atas kekayaan intelektual be they systems of collaboration, or intellectual property systems
Ini adalah sistim logistik, Here's a logistics system,