sore | afternoon |
sore | |||
soreh | see SURIH. |
sorek | bamboo. |
sorenya | the following afternoon. |
afternoon, afternoonin, city, dad, day, end, evening, evenings, first, late, long, midafternoon, morning, night, p, part, published, pure, worked |
ContohJadi suatu Minggu sore, seorang pria mendatangi meja kasir saya So one Sunday afternoon, a man walks into my cashier's booth
Anda pergi ke sebuah sekolah dasar pada pukul tiga sore You go to an elementary school at three in the afternoon
dari cahaya sore hari of late-afternoon light,
Terima kasih dan selamat sore. Thank you and good afternoon.
dan kemudian mendesain suatu sore di mana mereka menggunakan kekuatan mereka, and then to design an evening in which they both use their strengths,
Kita memberikan jam tersebut di sore hari You give those hours in the afternoon
di mana anda keluar untuk berlari setiap jam enam sore. that you get out and run at six o'clock at night.
Sore ini saya akan membuat hidup Anda lebih mudah I'm going to make your lives easy this afternoon
Jadi sore itu, saya kembali ke rumah, So that afternoon, I went back to my house,
Sekarang sebelum kita memulai sesi kita sore ini, Now before we started our session this afternoon,
dan menghabiskan sepanjang sore bersamanya -- anak yang manis. and spent a whole afternoon with her -- an adorable child.
Dari pukul 12 sampai 3 sore, saya mengajar kelas pemula, From 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., I taught my intro class,
dari pukul 3 sampai 6 sore, saya mengajar kelas lanjutan. 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., I taught my advanced class.
Dan pada sore hari itu, 70 anak - anak semuanya menjelajah. And by the evening of that day, 70 children were all browsing.
Jadi saya keluar kantor satu jam lebih awal sore itu So I left work an hour early that afternoon
Dan tiap sore, mereka terbang kembali 150 mil. And every evening, they fly 150 miles back.
Jam enam kurang lima menit di sore hari At five minutes to six in the afternoon,
Jadi saya ingin menghabiskan sedikit waktu sore ini So I'd like to spend a little bit of time this afternoon
pada penerima pada sore hari yang sama. to a recipient the same afternoon.
yang didiskusikan sore ini -- that I have discussed this evening --
murid saya dari kelas tiga sore itu. from my period three class sent me that evening.
ibarat kita dapat membukanya pada saat hujan di sore hari as though we can curl up with it on a rainy afternoon
yang mengingatkan saya akan sore hari saat saya mendengarkan para tetua Bedouin reminding me of evenings spent listening to Bedouin elders
dan saya jamin, Anda akan mendapatinya lebih dingin di sore hari and I promise you, you will find it much colder at dawn
sepanjang sore, membaca Maslow, the full afternoon, reading Maslow,
(Penerjemah) Aicha el-Wafi: Selamat sore, para hadirin. (Translator) Aicha el-Wafi: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
Pada sore harinya -- By the end of the afternoon --
dan sore itu, saya melakukan jumpa pers di New York and then that afternoon, I did a round of media in New York
di sore hari, in the afternoon, and they
akan dilangsungkan di sore hari, the plays will be in the afternoon,
Pada Minggu sore, Sunday evening,
Anda mengukur kebahagiaan mereka di sore harinya You measure their happiness at the end of the day,
bisikan sayap bangau di sore musim semi. the whisper of stork wings on a spring afternoon.
"Jam 5 sore hari ini, belanjakan uang ini untuk diri anda sendiri." "By 5:00 pm today, spend this money on yourself."
"Jam 5 sore hari ini, belanjakan uang ini untuk orang lain." "By 5:00 pm today, spend this money on somebody else."
dan jam pulang kantor saat sore, and in the rush hour in the afternoon,
Itu adalah cara yang bagus untuk menghabiskan sore di akhir pekan It's a perfectly wonderful way to spent a weekend afternoon,
untuk menghabiskan sore dengan diam bersama 200 orang to spend an afternoon freezing in place with 200 people
Anda keluar di sore hari you walk out in the early evening
Walaupun terus minum sepanjang sore, dia masih terlihat pucat. Despite drinking steadily all afternoon, he was still pale.