soviet | soviet |
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soviets, ussr |
ContohKita mengirim ekonom ke Uni Soviet We sent economists in the Soviet Union
dan beberapa negara bekas Uni Soviet, and a number of the former Soviet states,
18 tahun bagi Uni Soviet. 18 years for the Soviets.
karena orang Soviet membuat Spitnik because the Soviets made Sputnik
adalah Uni Soviet, is the Soviet Union,
dia tidak lagi memerintah Uni Soviet, he no longer ruled the Soviet Union,
Jika Anda tidak tahu apa-apa tentang Cina dan Uni Soviet If you know nothing about China and the Soviet Union
sewaktu jaman Uni Soviet. [during the] time of [the] Soviet Union.
mungkin kami memiliki latar belakang Soviet yang kuat. maybe we will come with a strong Soviet background of training.
Lima puluh tahun lalu di Uni Soviet, Fifty years ago in the old Soviet Union,
Kosmonot Uni Soviet, Yuri Gagarin. Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
Lalu beberapa dasawarsa setelah pemerintahan Uni Soviet, So when a couple decades into Soviet rule,
bersekolah di zaman Uni Soviet were schooled under the Soviets
di Siberia, Soviet, in Soviet Siberia,
setelah Uni Soviet meluncurkan Sputnik, after the Soviets put up Sputnik,
Atau lagi, runtuhnya Uni Soviet yang terjadi Or again, the collapse of the Soviet Union took place
saat kekuatan Uni Soviet mencapai puncaknya. when the Soviet Union was at its greatest power.
saat Uni Soviet punya posisi kuat, bahwa mereka akan terkubur when the Soviet Union was going strong, that it would be swept away
Saya berasal dari Belarus, bekas Republik Soviet, Well, I come from the former Soviet Republic of Belarus,
di sebagian besar bekas negara-negara Uni Soviet. in much of the former Soviet Union.
mulai membuat surat kabar di negara-negara bekas Uni Soviet. started to set newspapers in the former Soviet Bloc.