spekulasi | sspeculation, conjecture |
spekulasi | |||
spekulasi politik berbahaya | brinkmanship |
gambling, level, speculation, speculations, speculative |
Contohadalah matematika untuk permainan dan spekulasi it's the mathematics of games and gambling.
namun saya akan mengambil spekulasi but I would venture to guess
dari spekulasi menuju pemahaman." from speculation to understanding."
Jadi panitia meminta saya menutup dengan spekulasi berani. So the organizers asked me to end with a bold speculation.
Spekulasi berani saya My bold speculation
dan daripada salah sebaiknya saya akui dulu bahwa ini spekulasi -- and I had this hazard sign to say I'm going to speculate from now on --
Sekarang telah banyak spekulasi sejak 2010 Now there's been a lot of speculation since 2010
dan banyak spekulasi tersebut seputar komunitas berkebun, and a lot of that speculation has been around community gardening,
Penuh spekulasi. Penuh anekdot. they were full of speculation, they were anecdotal --
dan banyak rekan kerja saya berkata seharusnya kita tidak melakukan spekulasi ini and many of my colleagues would say that we should not do this speculation,
Jika spekulasi lahan dihilangkan, Take away land speculation,