spora | (Biol.) spore. |
spora | |||
sporadis | sporadic |
spore, spores |
ContohYang mereka lakukan memproduksi spora What they do is they produce spores,
jutaan spora di permukaan tubuh kupu-kupu millions of spores on the outside of the butterfly
Saya mengejar miselium ketika dia berhenti menghasilkan spora. I actually chased the mycelium, when it stopped producing spores.
Ini adalah spora -- ini di dalam spora. These are spores -- this is in their spores.
mereka akan menghindari spora ketika mereka mendekat, and they would avoid the spores when they came close,
karena tak ada spora. because there's no spores.
Setelah sporulasi, spora-spora tersebar. Now after sporulation, the spores repel.
Anda punya jamur mikoriza dan endofitik, juga spora, you have mycorrhizal and endophytic fungi as well as spores,
karena spora bakteri tidak dapat tumbuh pada kondisi asam. because bacterial spores can't grow in the acid.
untuk melahirkan spora-spora yang mengawali biji-bijian. to bear spores that foreshadowed seeds.