stadium | (Med.) stage of a disease. |
stadium | |||
stage |
Contohdi Oxford Street, atau Wembley Stadium, into Oxford Street, or into Wembley Stadium,
Bayangkan Wembley Stadium dengan 100,000 simpanse. Just imagine Wembley Stadium with 100,000 chimpanzees.
Merek ini, the Qualcomm Stadium, Now this brand, the Qualcomm Stadium,
Inilah diagram dari kanker ginjal stadium empat And this is the diagram of stage four kidney cancer
yang ternyata adalah kanker pankreas stadium lanjut. that turned out to be advanced pancreatic cancer.
yang baru kita ketahui ketika sudah menginjak stadium akhir. that we do not recognize till its terminal form.
dan juga stadium olimpiade di kota yang sama and the olympic stadium in the same city
dan saat ibu terkena kanker payudara stadium empat and when she got sick with stage four breast cancer