stel | see STIL. |
stel | |||
stelarator modular | modular stellarator |
steling | installation, posiotion |
stelionat | darkening of the plot land |
stelsel | system. |
abadi ramuan stellate dan berbulu perennial stellate and hairy herb
air mancur atau tadah castellated a fountain or cistern castellated
amerika mamalia musteline biasanya mendepak american musteline mammal typically ejecting
analgesik nonsteroid perdagangan ponstel nama analgesic drug trade name ponstel
atau batu marten mustela foina or stone marten mustela foina
atau kue disebut juga wastel or cake called also wastel
atau kue pastel ikan mengelupas or patty of flaked fish
bagi mantan presiden maria estela for former president maria estela
barbastellus communis dengan bibir berbulu barbastellus communis with hairy lips
beberapa caryophyllaceous gulma terutama stellaria several caryophyllaceous weeds especially stellaria
beech atau batu marten mustela beech or stone marten mustela
bertubuh ramping mustelid arboreal agak slender bodied arboreal mustelids somewhat
bintang atau sebuah konstelasi kecil stars or a small constellation
bintang mencari bola bola stellary a stellar figure stellary orbs
buah yang dapat dimakan canistel edible fruit canistel