Indonesian to English
stereotip stereotype.
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a conventional or formulaic conception or image
konsepsi konvensional atau formula atau gambar
source: WordNet 3.0

Related Word(s)

stereotype, stereotyped, stereotypes, stereotypical, stereotypically, stereotyping


sebuah stereotip yang berguna tentang kalian semua.
a useful stereotype about you all.
dan bagaimana banyak sekali stereotip --
and how there's a lot of stereotypes --
beberapa stereotip yang bodoh dan merendahkan
some of the silly and demeaning stereotypes
yang tidak didominasi oleh stereotip-stereotip timpang
that isn't dominated by lame stereotypes
yang gambar-gambar stereotip-nya kita lihat di surat kabar
whose stereotypical images we see in our newspapers
adanya stereotip budaya.
of cultural stereotypes there.
merupakan tiga stereotip utama tentang negara saya
the three main stereotypes about my country:
Semua stereotip
All the stereotypes
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