Indonesian to English
suf wool cloth.
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sufi1 mystical, esp. related to Sufism. 2 a Sufic mystic.
sufiks(Ling.) suffix.
sufrahfloorcloth or carpet on which ceremonial meals are spread out.

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brothers, chosen, corn, could, did, error, had, him, honour, how, joseph, lived, may, me, merchandise, presence, presented, preserve, replied, said, there, took, true, was, ye, yusuf
ada pada kisah yusuf dan
in joseph and
ada seorang pria bernama yusuf
there a man here yusuf
adalah bahwa maria yusuf para
is that mary joseph the
adalah seorang filsuf kristen awal
was an early christian philosopher
aduhai duka citaku terhadap yusuf
oh my sorrow over joseph
aku mencium bau yusuf sekiranya
i perceive joseph scent unless
alasan seperti seorang filsuf untuk
reason like a philosopher to
amerika serikat feminis dan suffragist
united states feminist and suffragist
amerika serikat filsuf dari pragmatisme
united states philosopher of pragmatism
amerika serikat filsuf politik lahir
united states political philosopher born
amerika serikat filsuf pragmatis yang
united states pragmatic philosopher who
amerika serikat pragmatis filsuf dan
united states pragmatic philosopher and
amit amit carilah seorang filsuf
heaven forbid find a philosopher
amit carilah seorang filsuf dan
forbid find a philosopher and
anak anak yusuf yakni dari
the sons of joseph of
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