Indonesian to English
supermarket supermarket
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market, supermarkets


People's Supermarket.
The People's Supermarket.
supermarket yang tidak mencari keuntungan.
not-for-profit cooperative supermarket.
supermarket yang paling ramah lingkungan di dunia.
the most sustainable supermarket in the world.
Pikirkanlah tentang orang-orang yang belanja di bawah pengamatan di supermarket,
Think about the people who are on accompanied shops in supermarkets,
pergi ke supermarket,
go to the supermarket,
dan suami-suami Anda masih berjalan dengan bebas di supermarket
and your husbands were walking around the supermarket
terutama saat semua taco kerang ditarik dari supermarket
especially when all those taco shells were taken out of the supermarkets
bagi Target (supermarket) untuk mengingatkan kapan untuk membeli popok,
or Target to know when it's time for me to buy more diapers,
adalah, ketika Anda ke supermarket dan membeli barang, barang itu akan dipindai.
is that, when you go to the supermarket and you buy things, they're scanned.
Saat supermarket hanya memiliki cadangan makanan untuk dua atau tiga hari
When our supermarkets have only two or three days' worth of food in them
sehingga saat Anda mengantri di supermarket,
that when you stand in the checkout line in the supermarket,
151 juta orang mengantri di supermarket setiap hari.
A hundred and fifty-one million people every day stand in the line at the supermarket.
sehingga saat Anda mengantri di supermarket --
where when you step in the line in the supermarket --
Di Supermarket Coreana
At Coreana Supermarket
di Supermarket Hongkong di Route 18 di Brunswick Timur.
at the Hong Kong Supermarket on Route 18 in East Brunswick.
semua yang ada di dalam pendingin di supermarket,
everything that's cooled in the supermarket,
pada bagian makanan beku di supermarket.
in the frozen area of the supermarket.
CarderPlanet menjadi supermarket
And so CarderPlanet became a sort of supermarket
Dan ketika pergi ke supermarket, Anda tidak melihat banyak pilihan di sana.
And when you go into the supermarket, you certainly don't see a lot of choices there.
dan juga ada supermarket besar di daerah kota.
and it's just a big supermarket in the city.
Ini adalah supermarket terbesar di daerah Karibia
This is the largest supermarket in the Caribbean
supermarket, atau melalui gerobak
a supermarket or a pushcart.
Saya akhirnya dapat menghubungi ibu saya. Beliau sedang mengantri di supermarket.
I finally got through to my mum. She was at the queue of the supermarket.
Juga supermarket, saya sangat terkejut,
And supermarkets, I find this is very shocking,
benar-benar menarik untuk berjalan-jalan di supermarket.
it's very, very attractive to walk along a supermarket.
Saya memperkirakan akhir tahun ini Anda bisa mendapatkannya di supermarket --
I predict that later this year, you'll get them in the supermarkets --
Orang lain akan melihat, jika Anda mengantri di supermarket
Other people will see if you're in the supermarket line
dan rak-rak supermarket menjadi kosong.
and supermarket shelves emptying.
dari tempatnya tumbuh, ke supermarket.
from where it's grown to the supermarkets.
yang dijual di supermarket lokal.
in your local supermarket.
kebanyakan makanan yang Anda beli di supermarket
the majority of food you buy in the supermarket
tapi juga pilinan plastik di supermarket.
it's the gyre of plastic in the supermarket.
Saya pergi ke supermarket, dan semua makanan saya terbungkus plastik.
I'd go to the supermarket and all of my food is packaged in plastic.
atau waktu kasir membuka antrian baru di supermarket
or when cashiers open up a new check-out lane at the grocery store
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