Indonesian to English
t /te/ t, the 20th letter of the alphabet.
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t ajaibmagic tee
t bidang-ee-plane tee
t bidang-hh-plane tee
t hibrid berpadananmatched hybrid tee
t'hoa.[Tionghoa] Chinese.
t.[tanpa] without.
t.p.[tanpa penerbit] no indication of publisher (in bibliographies, etc.).
t.s.(Teman Sejawat) colleague (used in professional correspondence by doctors).
ta1. see TO 1. 2. see TAK 1.
ta'limsee TAKZIM.
ta'rifsee TAKRIF.
ta'zimsee TAKZIM.
taajalsee TAKJAL.
taajubsee TAKJUB.
taalasee ALLAH.
taalimsee TAKZIM.
taartsee TART.
taassubfanatical, dogmatic, bigoted.
taatobedient, loyal

Related Word(s)

after, angel, army, body, bond, book, command, compact, covenant, decomposed, dominion, edge, endless, forces, had, hath, hosts, illu, impressed, israel, learned, lord, moses, n, ne, not, old, ordained, order, people, pledge, practise, promise, reflecti


Guru: You can't catch me (kamu tidak bisa menangkap saya).
(Video) Teacher: You can't catch me.
You can't catch me
You can't catch me.
Anak-anak: You can't catch me
Children: You can't catch me.
yang disingkat A, T, C, dan G.
abbreviated with the letters A, T, C and G.
DNA terdiri dari empat sub-unit: A, C, G, dan T.
It's composed of four subunits: A, C, G and T, we call them.
mengganti sebuah I dengan E, atau sebuah C dengan T.
substitute an I for an E, or a C for a T.
Dan buku ini membicarakan tentang cerita di balik suatu barang, seperti sebuah t-shirt
And it talks about the back story of something like a t-shirt.
Dan buku ini membicarakan tentang tempat dimana kapas (bahan t-shirt) tersebut tumbuh.
And it talks about where the cotton was grown
Saat ini, kita tidak punya pilihan untuk memilih t-shirt yang "baik"
Right now, we don't have the option to choose the virtuous t-shirt
diatas t-shirt yang "tidak baik". Jadi apa yang diperlukan untuk memungkinkan hal itu?
over the non-virtuous one. So what would it take to do that?
T S Elliott benar-benar mengungkapkannya --
T.S. Eliot really said it for me --
kita mempunya empat huruf penyusun kode genetik: A, C, G, dan T.
we have a four-letter genetic code -- A, C, G and T.
Dan kami tahu ini hal yang besar karena jika Anda meletakkan A di sebelah T
And we knew it was big because, you know, if you just put A next to T
jembatan yang dibicarakan oleh T. Boone Pickens
that the bridge that T. Boone Pickens talked about
Teknik elektro dari M.I.T,
electrical engineering from MIT,
Saya mengambilnya di M.I.T. Usianya sedikti lebih muda.
I picked this up at MIT. It's a little younger.
jadi inilah semua A, T, G, dan C
so here's all the A, T, Gs and Cs
ketik "folding T-shirt".
pull it down, "folding T-shirt."
Saya singkirkan semua t-shirt katun-buatan saya.
I got rid of all my poly-cotton T-shirts.
sementara skuadron sel-sel T pembunuh
while squadrons of killer T cells
Ketika model T diluncurkan --
When the Model T was launched --
Model T -nya Ford harganya 19.000
Model T was 19,700 by Ford.
Nada sederhana dari tiga nada -- T, E, D.
A very simple tune based on three notes -- T, E, D.
Saya tahu Anda akan mengatakan, "T tidak ada dalam musik."
I know you're going to say to me, "T doesn't exist in music."
yang membuktikan sebenarnya T ada.
which proves actually that it does.
O, P, Q, R, S, T -- ini dia.
O, P, Q, R, S, T -- there you go.
T, sama dengan nada F dalam musik.
T, see it's the same as F in music.
Jadi T adalah F.
So T is F.
T, E, D sama dengan F, E, D.
So T, E, D is the same as F, E, D.
Kita akan menyanyikan ketiga nada mengagumkan ini: T, E, D.
We're going to sing those three wonderful notes: T, E, D.
Penonton: T, E, D.
Audience: T, E, D.
T, E, D.
T, E, D.
Penonton: T, E, D.
Audience: T, E, D.
CH: Sekali lagi dengan semangat. (Penonton: T, E, D.)
CH: Once more with vim. (Audience: T, E, D.)
hanyalah botol berisi A, T, C, dan G --
are just bottles of A, T, C and G --
Ketika kami mengeksplorasi string A, T, C dan G ini,
That as we explore these strings of A's, T's, C's and G's,
Maka dia melihat ke dalam tulang T. Rex ini,
And so she looked into the bone of this T. rex,
Itu bukan fosil T. rex yang lengkap,
It wasn't a very complete T. rex,
dan bukan T. rex yang sangat besar,
and it wasn't a very big T. rex,
triliun dengan "T." Kini kita berbicara jumlah hutang nasional.
trillion with a "T." We're talking national debt numbers here.
A, C, G, dan T.
A, C, G and T.
sebelum dia menciptakan Model T,
before he invented the Model T,
Sejak Model T,
Since the Model T,
dan berbicara kepada kepala departemen t
and told the head of the department
telah membicarakan saya di T.V. nasional.
had been talking about me on national T.V.
A,T,C, dan G di DNA. Mereka menyusunnya dalam urutan yang benar,
A, T, C, and G in DNA. They string them up in the right sequence,
datang melalui data AT&T dan menunjukkan dirinya.
coming through AT&T's data and revealing itself.
? It can't be a stylish marriage ?
? It can't be a stylish marriage ?
? I can't afford a carriage ?
? I can't afford a carriage ?
? It can't be a stylish marriage ?
? It can't be a stylish marriage ?
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