Indonesian to English
taat obedient, loyal
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by Xamux Translate


  1. alim
    (ahli, berilmu, berpengetahuan, bestari, bijak, imani, muhsin, pandai, patuh)
  2. berpegang teguh
  3. betah
  4. fanatik
  5. kuat (beribadah)
  6. loyal
  7. pasrah
  8. patih
  9. patuh
  10. saleh
  11. setia
  12. takwa
  13. taslim
  14. tawaduk
  15. tunak
  16. tunduk
taat kepadaact up to
taat padaobservant
taat pada aturan keagamaanritualistic
taat pada perintahat one's beck and call
taat terhadap hukumlaw-abiding

Related Word(s)

abide, abiding, acted, adherent, adhering, all, among, averse, bidding, call, careful, cause, chapter, command, committed, course, dawud, deceived, deluded, devout, devoutly, did, differed, disobedient, disobey, disposed, do, down, duteous, dutiful, duty


karena Norden penganut Kristen yang taat.
because Norden was a committed Christian.
Dia adalah Kristen yang taat.
He was a committed Christian.
seorang Protestan dan Katolik yang taat --
a staunch Protestant and a staunch Catholic --
orang-orang yang taat, dan tidak taat.
people who are devout, not devout.
Dalam segi pandang itu, bagi yang taat,
And in that light, for the religious,
kebijakan subversi yang taat pada hukum
and the subversion of wisdom
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