Indonesian to English
tabulasi tabulation
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by Xamux Translate

Related Word(s)

tabular, tabulate, tabulating, tabulation


Satu hal yang sangat penting adalah menggbungkan data tabulasi tradisional
And one thing that's very important is to combine traditional tabular data
atau katalog untuk tabulasi seperti
or catalogue to tabulate as
dengan mesin tabulasi yang dirancang
by tabulating machines designed
kartu tabulasi atau kaset menekan
tabulating cards or punched tapes
katalog untuk tabulasi seperti untuk
catalogue to tabulate as to
mesin tabulasi yang dirancang oleh
tabulating machines designed by
seperti pengetahuan statistik statistik tabulasi
as statistical knowledge statistical tabulation
tabel atau katalog untuk tabulasi
table or catalogue to tabulate
tabulasi seperti untuk denda tabel
tabulate as to table fines
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