Indonesian to English
tadi ago
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  1. mulanya
  2. semula
  3. sebetulnya
  4. sedianya

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about, accounts, adultery, again, arguing, bear, been, before, beneath, best, checked, contending, defensive, descendants, described, destroys, did, discuss, discussion, earlier, ears, economic, falls, forth, function, gardens, gives, gone, grace, growth


seperti empat orang yang saya sebutkan tadi.
like the four people I discussed earlier.
Jadi sebaiknya saya memperbaiki apa yang telah saya katakan tadi
So I should actually correct something I said a moment ago.
Jadi kemudian kami menaruh sel-sel proto tadi bersama
So then we put these protocells together in a
Baiklah. Saya tidak tahu jika lagu tadi perlu untuk dipertunjukkan --
All right. I don't know if that was necessary to demonstrate --
Jadi pertanyaan di awal ceramah saya tadi,
So the question I started my talk with,
dan pada akhirnya, sekitar setengah dari 160.000 peserta tadi telah menonton
and in the end, about half of the 160,000 students watched
Jadi kita tahu dengan betul -- saya sudah tunjukkan tadi -- bahwa kita perlu energi ini.
So we know very well -- I showed you earlier -- that we need this energy.
Setiap protein ini berfungsi seperti sel surya yang saya sebutkan tadi.
And each of these proteins acts just like that solar cell that I told you about.
Jadi contohnya, mari menggunakan sel keranjang yang saya singgung tadi --
So for example, lets sort of consider that basket cell I told you about earlier --
Mereka melakukan kebalikan dari hal yang saya sampaikan tadi
And they do the opposite thing of the molecule I told you about before
kita dapat menangani kelainan yang tidak bisa diatur tadi,
we can take some of these intractable disorders that I told you about earlier,
Dan ingat, saya tadi bercerita tentang Harry Potter.
And remember I was telling you about Harry Potter.
terdapat sekitar 800.000 -- 10 kali dari angka tadi --
there are about 800,000 -- 10 times the number --
Sifat-sifat yang kita sebutkan tadi --
They are what we just said --
cerita tadi mengingatkan saya tentang ini,
is it reminds me of this,
Jadi yang saya lakukan, saya kumpulkan semua email tadi,
So what I did, I took all those emails,
Dia telah melihat video lagu "Scared" tadi dan meminta saya membantunya juga.
So she had seen the "Scared" song and wondered if I could do something.
di mana dalam perjalanan Anda tadi pagi
where on your way here this morning
seperti mempertahankan beratnya di bawah batas yang saya sebutkan tadi
like keeping the weight below the light sport limit that I talked about,
direkonstruksi dari semua bukti yang saya sebutkan tadi.
reconstructed from all these pieces of evidence that I mentioned before.
ke akar-akar pohon yang merontokkan daun tadi dalam 24 jam.
to the roots of the trees that have just dropped that leaf within 24 hours.
yang tadi Anda lihat.
that you just saw before.
hal-hal tadi saat mereka masih muda
some of these things when they were young,
dan setelah sedikit bermain dengan kit pengembangan tadi,
and after playing with the software development kit
Jika Anda ingat apa yang saya katakan tentang FLS di awal tadi,
If you remember what I told you about FLS at the beginning,
HIV di Afrika, Presiden Clinton tadi malam.
HIV in Africa, President Clinton last night.
Ide-ide sederhana tadi, yang menjawab pertanyaan yang rumit, tampak sangat menarik
These easy ideas to complex questions are very appealing
Chris Anderson: Jadi, tadi itu dikirim ke saya oleh pria ini,
Chris Anderson: So, that was sent to me by this man,
ketiga kenop tadi langsung diputar sampai penuh.
all three dials are ratcheted right up.
di dalam kamar hotel tadi malam, dan beberapa orang yang saya tidak kenal,
in the hotel room last night, and some people that I didn't know,
tipuan pisau tadi.
with the knife trick.
untuk menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan fundamental tadi.
to ask some of these most fundamental questions.
Kombinasi tiga huruf dari huruf - huruf tadi
Triplets of those letters
dan tentu saya, seperti saya sebutkan tadi,
and I was obviously, as I said to you,
di belakang visi gencatan senjata global tadi.
behind the vision of that global truce.
karena saat saya menampilkan tabel hasil tadi,
because when I gave you the table of results,
yang saya bahas tadi.
that I talked about earlier.
Neil dan saya sedang duduk di sana tadi membandingkan betapa kurangnya tidur kami
Neil and I were sitting there comparing how little we've slept
Chris Anderson: Terima kasih banyak untuk ceramah tadi.
Chris Anderson: Thank you so much for that.
akan bisa menyelamatkan semua budaya dan sejarah dalam buku-buku tadi.
would be able to save all that culture and history in the books.
mereka menenggelamkan batu-batu tadi ke Tigris dan menyedot kebijaksanaannya
they dip the stones into the Tigris and suck up that collective wisdom
Batu-batu tadi telah diselundupkan sebagai tiga tasbih
Those stones have been smuggled as three prayer beads
Jadi 33 batu tadi diselundupkan
So 33 of the stones are smuggled
Jadi 99 batu tadi, ada beberapa peraturan dalam permainan ini:
So these 99 stones, a few kind of rules in the game:
membalikkan asumsi lama tadi.
these old assumptions,
yang memuat n-gram Anda tadi.
in which your n-gram appears.
? Aku dengar Desperate Housewives tadi malam bagus ?
? I heard "Desperate Housewives" was great last night ?
yang menjelaskan hutan tadi.
that describes that forest.
eksponen, analog terhadap ¾ tadi
the exponent, the analog to that three-quarters
Kembali ke kamar kecil tadi,
To go back to that toilet,
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