Indonesian to English
tanpa sadar subconsciously
tanpa sadar
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by Xamux Translate
sadaraware, conscious

Related Word(s)

involuntarily, subconsciously


karena tanpa sadar
due to the unwitting use
atau anggukan biasanya tanpa sadar
or nod usually involuntarily
brengsek cepat dan tanpa sadar
jerk quickly and involuntarily
cepat dan tanpa sadar atas
quickly and involuntarily up
cepat dan tanpa sadar berulang
rapidly and involuntarily repeated
dan tanpa sadar atas dan
and involuntarily up and
dengan cepat dan tanpa sadar
is rapidly and involuntarily
goyang tanpa sadar seperti rasa
shake involuntarily as with
kontrak tanpa sadar seperti dalam
contract involuntarily as in
mana pasien tanpa sadar meniru
which the patient involuntarily imitates
membuka mulut tanpa sadar melalui
open the mouth involuntarily through
menolak tetapi tanpa sadar persis
rejected but subconsciously persis
mereka sehingga tersesat tanpa sadar
they lead astray without knowledge
mulut tanpa sadar melalui mengantuk
the mouth involuntarily through drowsiness
sadar menolak tetapi tanpa sadar
consciously rejected but subconsciously
tanpa sadar atau tidak sadar
involuntarily or unconsciously
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