Indonesian to English
tatap muka face to face
tatap muka
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  1. berhadapan
    (beradu kening, berdekatan, berseberangan, bersemuka, bersua, bertandang, bertanding, bertemu muka, bertentangan, melawan)
  2. bersemuka
  3. bertatap muka
  4. bertemu muka
mukaface, front, page


Dan kelompok tatap muka jauh lebih cerdas
And face-to-face groups are much smarter
Kami sebut proyek itu Face 2 Face (Tatap Muka)
We called the project Face 2 Face.
Komunikasi tatap muka telah disempurnakan
Face-to-face communication has been fine-tuned
500 tahun yang lalu, komunikasi tatap muka
500 years ago, it ran into
kini dilakukan video online terhadap komunikasi tatap muka.
online video can now do for face-to-face communication.
Jadi, bukan audisi tatap muka, namun Anda harus bermain di balik layar.
So rather than face-to-face auditions, you would have to play behind a screen.
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