Indonesian to English
tau (Coll.) see TAH 1, 2.
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taubatsee TOBAT.
taucang(China) pigtail.
tauci/tauco, taucyo/ (China) fermented bean paste used as condiment.
taufansee TOPAN.
taufan saljublizzard
taufik(Islam) God's guidance.
taugebean sprout
tauhid(Rel.) unity of God.
tauksee TAHU 1.
tauke1 China shop proprietor. 2 employer, boss.
tauladansee TELADAN.
taulansee TOLAN.
taun1. /ta'un/ (Lit.) epidemic, esp. cholera. see TAHUN.
taupsee TAUT.
taurat1 (Islam) the scripture revealed to prophet Moses. 2 (Rel.) Old Testament, esp. Pentateuch.
tausisee TAUCI.

Related Word(s)

idea, know


Hal itu sangat jelas, kita semua tau itu.
That's very obvious, we all know that.
suka memperkenalkan teman-teman mereka satu sama lain -- anda tau siapa anda --
like to introduce their friends to each other -- you know who you are --
Dan anda tau kenapa?
And the reason they wanted the school for girls
Jadi di usia 15, saya tau saya sudah terlalu tua untuk dilatih.
So at age 15, I knew I was too old to be trained.
Dan kami benar-benar tidak tau apa yang mesti dilakukan,
And we didn't really know what to do,
dan yang terakhir, benda ini disebut tau neutrino
and the last one, this thing called the tau neutrino,
Dan aku jadi tau bahwa singa-singa itu takut pada cahaya yang bergerak
And I discovered that lions are afraid of a moving light.
Seperti anda tau, salah satu jarum jangka itu statis, tertancap di satu tempat.
As you know, one leg of the compass is static, rooted in a place.
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