teguh | firm, tenacious, dependable |
teguh | |||
teguh hati | pertinacious |
adhere, compact, confirmation, consistent, constant, correct, courage, dear, determination, established, expectation, farthest, fast, firm, firmly, firmness, follow, god, guided, hold, it, its, keep, let, men, obeys, patience, persevere, pledge, power |
ContohDan selama 13 tahun saya pegang teguh itu. Saya ingin menjadi profesor sastra Inggris And for 13 years I kept clear of it. I wanted to be an English literature professor.
optimisme yang teguh an implacable optimism,
Dan saya harap dalam mengejar impian Anda, Anda tetap teguh And I hope in pursuing your dreams, you all remain resolute,
Mereka hanya memegang teguh opini mereka. They're just strongly held opinions.
Lalu, karena ayah seorang anti kolonial yang teguh, And then, as he was a staunch anti-colonialist,
pandangan teguh akan monogami -- mind-numbing monogamy --
Jika perbatasan menurut perjanjian ini dipegang teguh -- If the boundaries of this treaty had held --
Dan mereka merupakan jawaban-jawaban yang bagus, ilmiah dan teguh. And they are good, scientific, robust answers.
nilai yang dipegang teguh, yang baik dalam banyak keadaan strongly held values that are good in many circumstances
dan yang penting adalah kita memegang teguh and the important thing is that we carry