Indonesian to English
televisi television
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televisi berwamacolour television
televisi buatan setempatlocat-made television
televisi hitam putihblack and white television
televisi kabelcable television
televisi pengendalian jarak jauhremote-control television

Related Word(s)

can, either, news, rate, television, televisions, tv


hingga televisi pun mereka matikan dan berhenti menonton.
and so they turn off the television and don't watch.
Di dalam komunitas ini, kami tidak punya televisi;
And in this community, we didn't have a television;
hingga akhirnya saya menemukan diri saya muncul di televisi. (Tawa)
one after the other, and finally found myself in television. (Laughter)
tidak ada televisi, tidak ada perubahan warna;
there's no televisions; there's no color changing.
dan industri aksi laga dalam film dan televisi.
and the stunts industry in the movies and in television,
lalu mengambil alat ini dan melihatnya melalui layar televisi.
and taking instruments and watching it on a TV screen.
Semua orang terpaku pada televisi,
Everyone was glued to the TV,
gambar-gambar dan mata-mata itu menatap balik melalui televisi.
those images and those eyes stare back at me through a television.
Saya berencana menggunakannya di televisi, radio,
I plan to use it on television, radio
dan meliput untuk saluran televisi mereka sendiri,
and reporting to their own channel,
Jika Anda menonton siaran televisi Amerika Serikat tahun 70an,
If you watched a television broadcast in the United States in the 1970s,
televisi berita Amerika
television news casts
dunia dalam televisi berita Amerika
the world within American television news
Sebelum menyimpulkan bahwa ini adalah fungsinya televisi berita Amerika --
And before you conclude that this is just a function of American TV news --
Dhani punya acara televisi.
Dhani has a television show.
Mereka berkata, "Baik. Kalian boleh menggunakan semua stasiun radio dan televisi."
they said, "Yes. Okay. You can use all the radio stations, television stations."
berkerja di depan televisi -- dan Super Sculpey --
working in front of the television and Super Sculpey --
Sejarah musik dan televisi di Internet
the history of music and television on the Internet
namun melalui televisi
but over a television set
saat bayi-bayi berada di depan televisi
as babies are in front of televisions,
yang melibatkan iklan televisi dan internet dan radio
that involved television and Internet and radio commercials
akar rumput, mobilisasi, iklan televisi, iklan internet,
grassroots mobilization, television ads, Internet ads,
adalah menonton televisi, yang satunya adalah di dalam kamar mandi, duduk.
is watching television; the next one is being in the bathroom, sitting.
Dan, bahkan terkadang menonton televisi
Even though sometimes watching television
David Milch, pembuat "Deadwood" dan juga acara-acara televisi menarik lainnya,
David Milch, creator of "Deadwood" and other amazing TV shows,
Anda mengharapkan persoalan seperti sebuah acara televisi yang dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu 22 menit,
You expect sitcom-sized problems that wrap up in 22 minutes,
sama saja seperti menghidupkan televisi untuk menonton "Two and a Half Men" dan berhenti di sana.
it's functionally equivalent to turning on "Two and a Half Men" and calling it a day.
yang dipertunjuukkan di layar televisi raksasa di Singapura,
that's to be displayed on the large JumboTrons in Singapore.
Anda mendengarnya di televisi.
You hear about it on your television sets.
dan berkata, "Saya tahu. Televisi.
and say, "I know: television;
dia kemudian berkata kepada saya, "Saya tidak pernah melihat televisi
and later on he told me, "I have never seen a television
ada banyak film dan program televisi dari Hollywood
more film and television programs come out of Hollywood
Kita menaruhnya di belakang televisi.
We put one on the back of the television set.
televisi berwarna yang dijual bebas.
available color television set.
Jadi saya berada di televisi
So I go on television.
dengan jutaan pemirsa televisi yang menyaksikan langsung.
with a live television audience of millions.
Itu hanya di televisi.
And that's just on air.
Ada sebuah televisi hitam putih yang sudah usang
There was a beaten up black and white television
dan kehangatan televisi, Nintendo 16-bit saya
and the warmth of the TV set, my simple 16-bit Nintendo
apakah itu televisi atau permainan komputer atau yang lainnya.
whether it's television or computer games or whatnot.
Kami telah mulai menganalisis konten televisi
We've started analyzing television content
keluar dari feed televisi;
coming out of the television feeds;
dan sebuah bagian struktur peristiwa keluar dari sinyal televisi.
and a piece of event structure coming out of the television signal.
bahwa konten televisi yang mendorong percakapan.
are the content on television that's driving the conversations.
yang berhubungan dengan konten televisi.
that are linked to content on television.
Pertanyaan ini telah saya tanyakan kepada produser siaran televisi,
And they're questions that I've asked of science television producers,
Sebagai contoh, kami di Inggris, mencoba menggantikan tombol televisi
For example, we are, in Britain, we're trying to do a digital switchover
Kebetulan saya mencari nafkah dari televisi sekarang ini,
Now I happen to make my living these days in television,
televisi punya hati nurani.
television has a conscience.
Saya percaya televisi punya hati nurani
So why I believe that television has a conscience
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