tembaga | copper |
tembaga | |||
tembaga daun | sheet-copper |
tembaga elektrolitis | electrolytic copper |
tembaga iodide [cui] | copper iodide |
tembaga keras | hardcopper |
tembaga khlorida [cuci] | copper chloride |
tembaga manggan | manganese-copper |
tembaga murni | native copper |
tembaga sepuh timah | tinned copper |
tembaga yang diperdagangkan | commercial copper |
tembaga-batang | bar copper |
tembaga-cakera | rose-copper |
tembaga-nikel | nickel-copper |
tembaga-pelat | sheetcopper |
tembaga-silisium | silicon-copper |
assault, brass, brazen, bronze, cooper, copper, copperplate, coppery, flames, lashed, power, prowess, seizure, sends, smoke, upon, worked |
Contohplastik, tembaga, dan nikel. plastic, copper and nickel.
Hal selanjutnya yang saya coba dapatkan adalah tembaga. The next thing I was trying to get was copper.
pernah menjadi salah satu tambang tembaga terbesar di dunia. was once the largest copper mine in the world.
tidak mengandung cukup tembaga there was enough copper in it
yang mengalir melalui kabel tembaga buatan sendiri ini, going through these homemade copper wires,
namun stempel batu, papan tembaga, but stone seals, copper tablets,
dibandingkan tembaga. more conductive than copper.
beberapa kabel tembaga some copper wire
ada kuningan dan tembaga They had this old brass and copper.
tembaga, timbal, perak, seng, dan emas. copper, lead, silver, zinc and gold.
dengan memperdagangkan tembaga yang secara sah ditambang trade copper from Michoacán that is legally created