Indonesian to English
tempat terpencil remote place
tempat terpencil
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tempatplace, location
terpencilisolated, secluded


Dan setelah melakukan berbagai eksperimen di berbagai tempat terpencil,
So, having experimented in all sorts of remote places,
di tempat terpencil.
in some remote spot.
koneksi internet bahkan di tempat-tempat terpencil.
Internet connectivity even in very remote areas.
Di Afrika, di tempat-tempat terpencil,
And in Africa, the remote places,
tempat-tempat terpencil, tetangga mereka,
the very hard-to-serve places, their neighbors,
menuju tempat terpencil yang sangat dingin ini.
to this remote and very cold place.
menuju tempat terpencil.
through a desolate countryside.
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