Indonesian to English
tepi sungai river bank
tepi sungai
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tepiedge, side
sungairiver, stream

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pada tepi sungai yang bernama Indus,
on the banks of a river called the Indus,
semakin menjauh dari tepi sungai
set back away from the river's edge,
peradaban baru saja dimulai di tepi Sungai Nil,
civilization just getting started on the banks of the Nile,
Dan seekor buaya meninggalkan tepi sungai sarangnya.
And a crocodile walks up a riverbank toward its den.
mungkin tepi sungai atau pesisir pantai
perhaps a riverbank or a shoreline,
dan kami beristirahat di tepi sungai.
and we found ourselves down by the river.
Solly di tepi sungai melihat bahwa saya mendapat masalah.
Solly on the bank sees that I'm in trouble.
Dia berbalik. Dia membawa saya ke tepi sungai
He turns. He walks me up the bank.
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