terisi | filled |
terisi | |||
terisi-gas | gas-filled |
back, drinks, filled, occupied, spon, unfilled |
Contohketika muatannya telah terisi cairan panas, Iya. when the container is filled with hot liquid.
Dan sebenarnya mengakibatkan mobil Anda terisi secara aman dan efisien. And it actually causes your car to charge safely and efficiently.
Anda melihat ponsel yang terisi secara nirkabel. you're looking at a cellphone powered completely wirelessly.
Seharusnya kami dapat membuat benda ini terisi juga. but we should be able to get this guy to wake up too.
dan ponsel ini akan berbunyi, saat sedang terisi juga. and it probably beeps, actually, as it goes on as well.
di blok mereka yang terisi, on their block that are occupied,
dan jaringan busa ini terisi darah and the spongy tissues filled with blood
seluruh alam semesta terisi penuh dengan sesuatu yang disebut medan Higgs. the whole universe is full of something called a Higgs field.
Begitulah, hingga bakteri tersebut penuh terisi dengan virus sehingga bakteri tersebut meledak. that is, until it's so filled with viruses that it bursts.