Indonesian to English
terkesima upset
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Related Word(s)

cords, fascinated, threw


Saya sangat terkesima membacanya. Chris melanjutkan untuk mengatakan
I was pleased to read it. Chris went on to say
Saya telah terkesima pada keragaman tanaman pangan selama 35 tahun,
I've been fascinated with crop diversity for about 35 years from now,
sampai-sampai dokter ahli kankerku pun terkesima.
much to the dismay of my oncologist.
loski aku merasa terbalik terkesima
loski i flipped
susan tetap membuat dirinya terkesima
it still amazed her
ujarku begitu terkesima hingga mengatakan
i confessed mesmerized into telling
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