Indonesian to English
terletak di situated at
terletak di utara, di sebelah utaranortherly
terletak di
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terletakbe located
diin, at, on

Related Word(s)

beyond, cling, lies, located, lying, nestled, situated


Ini adalah dapurnya, yang terletak di ruangan yang sama.
This is the kitchen, which is in the same room.
yang terletak di seluruh lingkungan itu
which are laid out across the environment
yang terletak di daerah terpencil di provinsi Hubei di Cina tengah.
in the remote part of Hubei province in central China.
yang terletak di bawahnya
that is located below.
yang adalah bagian dari otak yang terletak di dalam bola mata,
which is a part of the brain located in the eyeball,
Batang otak terletak di antara korteks serebral
There is the brain stem in between the cerebral cortex
Tetapi kebaruannya terletak di sini.
But the novelty is here.
adalah karena gurun ini terletak di dataran tinggi.
is because of the high altitude desert.
Sebagai bentuk seni, koleksi itu terletak di antara
As an art form it lies somewhere between
Dan saya tumbuh di desa agraris kecil ini yang terletak di Nevada utara.
And I grew up in this little farming town in northern Nevada.
Lihat, semuanya terletak di dalam
See, these all lie right inside
karena Jepang terletak di sebelah timur Cina.
because Japan lies to the east of China.
kenyataannya mungkin terletak di sisi lain,
might actually lie somewhere else,
dan Kiribati terletak di tengah-tengah Pasifik
and Kiribati is located in the Central Pacific
pasar daging paling terkenal di London, terletak di sana.
London's very famous meat market, was located up there.
Braddock, Pennsylania terletak di bagian barat Allegheny County,
Braddock, Pennsylvania sits in the eastern region of Allegheny County,
Sayangnya, bank benih ini terletak di dalam gedung-gedung di seluruh dunia
Unfortunately, these seed banks are located around the world in buildings
yang terletak di bagian depan dari otak yang disebut lobus frontalis.
which are on the front of the brain in the frontal lobes.
Ini terletak di paling bawah, rahasia terakhir di kolom panjang itu.
It was the very bottom, the last secret in the long column.
ke Kutub Utara, yang terletak di tengah,
to the North Pole, where the sort of kink in the middle is,
Jadi tim Melcher Media, yang terletak di Pesisir Timur --
So Melcher Media's team, who's on the East coast --
dan kita terletak di Pesisir Barat, membuat perangkat lunaknya --
and we're on the West coast, building the software --
yang terletak di Kepulauan Fogo di Newfoundland.
based out of Fogo Island, Newfoundland.
Bertie County terletak di bagian timur negara bagian tersebut.
Bertie County is in the eastern part of the state.
yang terletak di
in Masdar, which is in the
karena kami terletak di tengah-tengah.
because we were centered at the middle of it.
mencari potongan kecil tulang, fosil tulang, yang mungkin terletak di permukaan tanah.
looking for small fragments of bone, fossil bone, that may be on the surface.
Homo erectus, yang terletak di sudut kanan atas
Homo erectus, up in the far right corner,
Yang terletak di perbatasan dengan Vietnam.
which is across from the border from Vietnam.
Ini adalah -- ini terletak di selatan dari lingkaran Antartika.
This was -- this is south of the Antarctic Circle.
terletak di wilayah kedaulatannya --
within its national jurisdiction --
Nigeria yang terletak di tengah-tengah.
to Nigeria sitting there in the middle.
Mobile terletak di pertemuan dari antara lima sungai,
and Mobile sits at the confluence of five rivers,
Bahwa bagian reptilia dari otak kita, yang terletak di tengah otak kita,
The reptilian part of our brain, which sits in the center of our brain,
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