ternama | distinguished for |
ternama | |||
distinguished, fame, famed, famous, great, legendary, logician, name, prominent |
Contohnamun pelanggan mereka tidak membeli merk ternama. their customers don't buy the branded versions.
Ferran Adria, koki ternama di dunia saat ini, tak terlalu jauh dari anda. Ferran Adria, the preeminent chef of the world today, not that far from you.
Penguasa Sufi ternama Rumi, yang sangat terkenal di antara Anda sekalian, The famous Sufi master Rumi, who is very well known to most of you,
supaya orang-orang akan merasa tenang bahwa ilmuwan ternama dari abad ke-20 just so people will feel at ease that the great scientist of the 20th century
cracker akun bank ternama master bank account cracker
salah satu peretas ternama, one of the most remarkable hackers ever,
atau universitas ternama atau politeknik -- or the great universities or community colleges --
ahli konservasi yang sangat ternama seperti Stanley Temple, really famous conservationists like Stanley Temple,
Saya bertanya pada ilmuwan-ilmuwan ternama mengenai ini beberapa kali, I asked the top scientists on this several times:
produk-produk dengan merek-merek ternama. brand name product.
salah satu desainer produksi ternama dunia. one of the world's legendary production designers.
Ini berasal dari ahli nutrisi dan diet ternama Inggris di Daily Mirror, This is from Britain's leading diet and nutritionist in the Daily Mirror,