terpaksa harus | cannot help |
terpaksa harus | |||
terpaksa | be forced to |
harus | have to, must |
anak anak yang terpaksa harus children are forced to
dengan terpaksa harus membantu sebuah were unwittingly subsidizing an
hutang dan terpaksa harus menjual indebted they had to sell
jurusan cililitan tanjungpriok terpaksa harus cililitan tanjung priok had to
kini ribuan warga terpaksa harus now thousands of residents must
lanjut hamdi petugas terpaksa harus he continued officers had to
mengakibatkan sejumlah warga terpaksa harus made several residents must
meski mereka terpaksa harus membayar even when they charge much
petugas terpaksa harus mengulang tiga officers had to repeat three
ribuan warga terpaksa harus kehilangan thousands of residents must lose
terpaksa harus membantu sebuah lembaga were unwittingly subsidizing an agency
terpaksa harus membayar lebih mahal charge much higher
terpaksa harus mengulang tiga sampai had to repeat three to
terpaksa harus menunggu mobil yang have to wait for vehicles
warga terpaksa harus kehilangan tempat residents must lose their