Indonesian to English
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Related Word(s)

buoyed, flattered, honored


Kami sangat tersanjung melihat gambar ini
And we were all very flattered to see that image
saya merasa terhormat dan tersanjung dapat bekerja dalam pemerintahan Nelson Mandela.
I had the privilege and the honor to work in the government of Nelson Mandela.
dan saya akan sangat tersanjung dan semangat
and I would be greatly honored and excited
SW: Jauh lebih baik. Baiklah, Einstein sangat tersanjung bisa berada di TED 2006,
SW: Much better. Well, Einstein is very honored to be here at TED 2006,
Dan aku tersanjung.
And I was honored.
Saya sangat tersanjung berada di sini
I am so honored to be here
Kami sangat tersanjung bisa berada di TEDWomen,
We are so honored to be here at TEDWomen,
saya tersanjung dapat bekerja di sana,
I've been honored to work on
bisakah kalian memasang yang seperti ini di tembok kalian? Kami sangat tersanjung.
could you put this thing up on the walls? We were delighted.
Lalu dia pergi, saya sangat tersanjung.
And she walks away, and I'm flattened.
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