Indonesian to English
tertera printed
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  1. tercap
    (tersegel, terstempel)
  2. tercetak
  3. tersegel
  4. tercatat
  5. tersurat
  6. tertulis tercantum
  7. terekam
  8. terkandung
  9. termaktub
  10. termasuk
  11. termuat

Related Word(s)

amount, bore, contained, continues, inscribed, mentioned, noted, owed, own, printed, required, set, stamped, stated, written


dengan karakter Bahasa Cina yang tertera di sana."
with the Chinese character on them."
tertera, pada 1 Mei, akses penuh untuk semua datanya.
it says, by first of May, full access to the databases.
apa yang tertera di sana.
everything there is.
Dan dibawahnya tertera,
And then it continues,
yang kemudian tertera di dahi anda.
which is stamped on your forehead
Tertera "Tentara Amerika Serikat" tepat di atasnya.
It says "U.S. Army" right on it.
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