tertulis | written. |
tertulis | |||
tertulis dengan jelas | clearly written |
written | |
adjective |
set down in writing in any of various ways
ditetapkan secara tertulis dalam salah satu dari berbagai cara
accordance, appear, book, conform, described, directed, document, down, forth, hath, holdings, included, inscribed, is, it, letter, mentioned, out, prescribed, present, read, record, recorded, says, scrawled, stands, stipulated, stone, thing, unwritten |
ContohJadi dalam kitab Taurat ajaran Yudaisme tertulis So in Judaism, we have, from our Torah,
baik verbal maupun tertulis, seumur hidup mereka. whether verbal or written, all their lives.
tertulis, "Semua makhluk hidup memiliki nilai yang sama." it says, "All lives have equal value."
yang tertulis "Sukarelawan Diperlukan". Hmm. that said, "Volunteers Needed." Hmm.
Setidaknya itu yang tertulis di penaku." At least that's what it says on my pen."
Kita tak punya catatan tertulis. Hmm, sebenarnya kita punya. We have no written record. Well, actually, we do.
Tertulis di DNA kita, di kode genetik kita -- Written in our DNA, in our genetic code --
Itu berarti bahwa kita berasal dari Afrika. Tertulis di DNA kita. And what that means is that we originated in Africa. It's written in our DNA.
Merk ini tidak benar-benar membuktikan apa yang tertulis di kemasannya memang benar. It doesn't actually do what it says on the tin.
tertulis bahwa tumbuhan ada di batas wrote that the plants are on the edge
dalam catatan itu tertulis, ketika ditanya, is this note that says, when asked,
Tapi semua orang tahu kalau saya mempunyai ketertarikan tentang keunggulan kata kata tertulis But everyone that I knew had an interest in the primacy of the written word
apa yang tertulis pada draf pertama pikiran moral. for what's written on the first draft of the moral mind.
Di IDEO kami mempunyai peraturan tukar pikiran tertulis di dinding. At IDEO we have brainstorming rules written on the walls.
Izinkan saya membacakan apa yg tertulis Let me read you the entry.
"Seperti apa cerita yang tertulis di buku ini?" "What do the stories look like?"
Dan menyadari bahwa semua informasi yang tertulis di sana adalah apa yang mereka perlukan. And then notice that all the information written on there is stuff you'll need.
Itulah yang kita lihat di percakapan tertulis ini. That's what we're seeing in this fingered speech.
apa yang tertulis di papan pesan asrama di tahun 1993, what was on a dormitory message board in 1993,
Mungkin agak mengejutkan betapa banyak tugas-tugas yang tertulis di situ, It may be a little surprising how many things there are,
kurikulum yang tertulis jelas, hingga langkah demi langkah. scripted, lock-step curricula.
Pada kenyataannya tertulis garage, funk, rhythm dan blues. It actually says garage, funk, rhythm and blues.
dimana, secara efektif, hal itu tertulis secara bagus pada program-program pengolah angka, where, effectively, it sits very nicely on spreadsheets,
tidak tertulis di buku manapun. is in any of those books.
tertulis jelas bahwa Anda tidak boleh menggunakan agen pengendalian it's very clear that you can't use riot control agents
melalui cerita tertulis, through written history,
Sejarah sebuah tempat tertulis pada fisik warganya dan lanskapnya. The history of a place is written on the body and the landscape.
dan seorang pelajar tunanetra dapat melihat apa yang tertulis dan membacanya and a blind student can see what's written and read
dengan perangko dan alamat rumah saya tertulis di sisi lain. with a stamp and my home address written on the other side.
25.000 gen yang tertulis dalam DNA Anda. the 25,000 genes you've got written in your DNA.
dan rapor tersebut dibingkai di atas meja belajar di rumah. Di rapor itu tertulis, and it's framed above my desk at home. It says,
Dan di faksnya tertulis, And the fax said,
Kalimat itu tertulis di Deklarasi Kemerdekaan. It's written in the Declaration of Independence.
hadiah berupa bahasa tertulis the gift of written language
tertulis "Selamat datang di kastil". it says, "Welcome to the dungeon."
kebijakan ini tidaklah tertulis di batu, this policy is not written in stone
Karena kita terbiasa dengan peraturan tertulis. Because we are used to get written things.
Tetapi di sini tidak ada peraturan tertulis. But here it is unwritten by law.
"Ayo semuanya. Kalian harus bermain sesuai dengan yang tertulis. "Come on guys. You have to play by the book.
Ini hanya eksekusi dari musik yang tertulis, It's only the execution of the written music,
Dan yang tertulis di graffiti tersebut adalah, And with that, what this graffiti says is,
tertulis disana slogannya yang inspirasional inscribed with this inspirational slogan:
dan ya, tertulis disana, and yes, it really does say,
Di mana tertulis, "Rasa percaya diri memberikan hasil yang gemilang." It says, "Self-confidence produces fine results."
Yang tertulis adalah Senator Obama saat ini dibuat. Mereka merubah nama ini kemudian. It was Senator Obama when they created it. They changed the name later.
mungkin adalah contoh tertulis tertua is perhaps the oldest written example
Seperti yang tertulis di judulnya, And as the subtitle suggests,
Mereka termasuk peradaban Eropa yang punya catatan tertulis, This is a European society with literate records,
Tidak ada kontrak tertulis There are no contracts, no written contracts.
Anda tidak menggunakan bahasa tertulis. You don't choose the written word.