Indonesian to English
terus menerus at all times
terus menerus
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terusdirect, straight

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consecutively, constantly, continual, continually, continued, continuing, continuous, continuously, mightest, ongoing, persist, succession, unceasing, uninterruptedly, unremittingly, unstinting


karena semuanya terus menerus memburuk.
because it just keeps getting worse.
Semua yang ada di alam digunakan dalam siklus tertutup yang terus menerus
Everything in nature is used up in a closed continuous cycle
memberi tahu kepada otak secara terus menerus,
telling the brain continually,
Satu-satunya suara yang terdengar hanyalah erangan pelan yang terus menerus terdengar.
but the only noise was a low, continuous moan.
Dan saya terus menerus membaca New York Times,
And I was constantly reading the New York Times,
Terus menerus terapung.
it’s permanently, positively buoyant.
Anda berjalan bolak-balik terus menerus.
You go to and fro endlessly.
secara langsung dan terus menerus
concurrently and continuously
Kita telah membicarakannya terus menerus selama dekade terakhir.
We have talked about it endlessly over the last decade or so.
Dan kamu dapat melakukan hal yang sama, terus menerus."
And you can do it the same, over and over again."
apapun yang Anda pilih, lakukan terus menerus --
whatever it is you pick, stick with it --
namun terus menerus secara jelas melihat dari
but vividly and continuously from the perspective
Kita harus menaikkan kecepatan secara terus menerus.
We have to accelerate on a continuous basis.
dan terus menerus mengubah identitas itu
and indeed continue to change those identities
sampai membentuk mangkuk di batu dimana air terus menerus menetes.
making a giant bowl in the rock where it drips in a stream.
Saya sudah menyuting bunga secara time-lapse secara terus menerus.
I've been shooting time-lapse flowers continuously,
dan jika Anda terus menerus mendengarnya
and if you have that over and over again on a loop tape,
sehingga dia akan merasakan ketakutan itu terus menerus.
so he just feels the horror over and over again.
dan terus bertambah, sehingga kita terus menerus waspada.
over and over, so we're in a constant state of alarm,
kita mulai berkata-kata akan keadaan darurat yang terus menerus ini
we started to put words to this constant emergency,
saya merasa wajib menghidupkan dan memanusiakan tempat ini secara terus menerus
I feel an obligation to animate and humanize these spaces continually
sehingga simbol yang sama terulang terus menerus.
so basically the same symbol being repeated over and over again.
mengatur diri sendiri dengan terus menerus
that we self-manage continuously
tidak secara terus menerus, namun sejak saat itu.
not continuously, but ever since.
karena kasirnya lelah terus menerus mendapat pesan yang sama
because the checker gets tired of hearing the same message
? terus menerus sepanjang waktu ?
? on and on through time. ?
keluar masuk, tidak terus menerus.
back and forth, not six months continuously.
hidup terus menerus tanpa akhir.
lives its life continuously.
dan ada negosiasi yang terjadi terus menerus
and there was a negotiation that went forth
kita terus menerus melihat hal yang sama.
we see the same problem again and again.
untuk terus menerus diabaikan karena kita pikir kita tahu jawabannya.
to continue ignoring because we think we know the answer.
Kita tidak bisa terus menerus menyalahkan pasien yang menderita kelebihan berat badan dan mengidap diabetes
We can't keep blaming our overweight and diabetic patients
namun terus menerus berkembang.
but constantly evolving.
yang terus menerus dipaksa oleh para hakim
who are regularly forced by family court judges
perseteruan terus menerus antara pensensoran Cina,
the continuing fight between Chinese
"Secara filosofis, apakah pasokan informasi yang terus menerus
"Philosophically, does the constant supply of information
itulah lingkungan yang terus menerus berubah.
it's an environment that's in a constant state of flux.
malam tanpa tidur, menyusui terus menerus,
have sleepless nights, constant feedings,
penggunaan bahan bakar berbasis karbon secara terus menerus,
our addiction to carbon based fuels,
Razero menjaga keseimbangan dengan terus menerus
Rezero keeps his balance by constantly
pertumbuhan kanker yang terus menerus.
the continued growth of cancer.
dan dorongan terus menerus
and relentless drive
yang melambangkan perubahan yang terus menerus
representing the constant change
dengan terus menerus membuat rintangan dan halangan.
by constantly putting obstacles and barriers in our way.
yang kami ciptakan, terus menerus bermunculan
that we created, they just kept going
dan karena itu ada desakan terus menerus
and because of that there’s a continual jostling
cara kita terus menerus menangani
the way in which we continually address
Tapi di bawahnya adalah ketegangan yang terus menerus
But under that was this global tension
yang artinya berfokus secara terus menerus dan berulang-ulang
To perseverate means to focus obsessively and repeatedly
kita masukkan ke dalam puff-o-mat, dan memberinya tiupan terus menerus,
in the puff-o-mat several puffs in a row,
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