tidak ramah | ill disposed |
tidak ramah | |||
tidak | no, no [not at all ]., not [{to negate verb, ective or adverb} ]. 4. prefix un- 5.do not [{used to make the negative} ]. |
ramah | friendly |
inhospitable, unfriendly, unkindness, unsociable |
ContohSaya pernah bertengkar dengan mereka. Kadang-kadang mereka tidak ramah. I had fights with them. Sometimes they were unfriendly.
daerah yang tidak ramah bagi ranting It's bushfelt region,
dia sangat tidak ramah terhadap mereka. he was very hostile towards them.
untuk memblokir pembangkit listrik yang tidak ramah lingkungan blocking dirty power plants
karena bidang kelembagaan dan pengaturan tidak ramah terhadap perusahaan. because the institutional and policy environment is hostile to business.