Indonesian to English
tidaklah no
please wait
by Xamux Translate
tidaklah harusdo not have to be
tidaklah mungkinit is not possible
tidaklah nyata bahwait does not seem that
tidaklah samabe not alike

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acceptance, accepted, all, are, astray, bearer, been, befit, beholdest, best, blessings, blind, brings, but, can, cannot, cometh, command, considered, creation, decreed, did, do, does, domain, due, enjoin, every, except, follow, have, help, helpers, how, s


Dan ini tidaklah mengejutkan. Kita tahu bahwa beberapa orang dilahirkan pemalu
And this is not surprising. We know that some people are born shy
tidaklah berada dalam karbon atom tersebut;
do not reside in the carbon atoms;
Apa yang kami buat tidaklah unik.
What we've built isn't unique.
Jadi ketiganya tidaklah sempurna -- hanya gagasan.
So these three are not perfect -- they're ideas.
Mengenai apakah Anda menyukai musik nya atau tidak tidaklah relevan.
Whether or not you like the music is irrelevant.
tidaklah super pintar,
are not super smart,
tidaklah terpisah-pisah atau sendiri-sendiri,
were not separate or distinct hopes,
Tapi sayangnya, kenyataan tidaklah seindah
But unfortunately, reality is not as good
"Karena, Thandie, itu tidaklah tepat.
"Because, Thandie, that's not accurate.
Namun itu tidaklah selalu seperti itu.
But it wasn't always that way.
tidaklah cukup.
just really aren't enough.
bahwa kesunyian ini tidaklah luar biasa.
that this quietness was not exceptional.
karena air tidaklah aman untuk diminum.
because the water wasn't safe to drink.
Apakah saya menyukai pekerjaan tersebut tidaklah penting.
It is not important if I like the job or not.
penerjemah yang ada di dunia tidaklah cukup.
there aren't enough translators in the world.
Tapi ini tidaklah mudah. Setelah terjadi bom,
But it's not an easy road. After the bomb,
Yang sudah pasti tidaklah kontroversial adalah
What is definitely uncontroversial
"Tidaklah berlebihan
"It's hardly an exaggeration
tidaklah selalu apa yang Anda dapatkan.
is not all you get.
Tidaklah cukup untuk membuat keputusan pribadi
It's not enough to make the personal decision
tidaklah datang dari satu orang,
mostly haven't come from individuals,
bahwa beberapa masalah tidaklah memiliki jawaban yang benar.
that there are some problems that don't have a correct answer.
tidaklah berlebihan untuk berkata
it is no exaggeration to say
bahwa yang mereka lakukan tidaklah menjijikkan
that what they were doing was not disgusting at all
tidaklah sama dengan fisiologi sel tersebut
is not the same as the physiology of those cells
tidaklah banyak.
were being produced.
tidaklah terlalu menarik.
isn't particularly that interesting.
sebenarnya tidaklah selalu seperti itu.
that certainly wasn't always the case.
karena alat yang ada tidaklah mendukung.
for the simple reason that materials don't lend themselves to it.
Tapi tidaklah cukup untuk sekedar tahu mengenai
But it's never enough to just to get it through your heads
urutan alat-alat yang digunakan untuk mengajar anda tidaklah penting.
it doesn't really matter which order you're taught with them in,
bahwa infrastruktur tidaklah sepenting seperti yang dipercayai kebanyakan orang,
that infrastructures are not as important as many people believe,
tidaklah akurat.
is grossly inaccurate.
Seni mendongeng tidaklah berubah
The art of storytelling has remained unchanged.
tidaklah kreatif sejak saat itu.
as creative at that point.
dan menyadari bahwa "hampir" tidaklah cukup baik
and realized that almost just isn't good enough
India tidaklah unik.
India's not unique.
dan anda tahulah, anda melihat pada nilai-nilai itu, dan itu tidaklah buruk,
and you know, you look at those scores, and it wasn't bad,
tetapi itu tidaklah secara jelas memprediksikan bahwa saya suatu hari akan memperoleh
but it was not certainly predictive that I would one day make
Tidaklah sulit membuat prediksi
It's really not that hard to make reasonable predictions
maka memiliki kurikulum tidaklah terlalu masuk akal
having a compulsory curriculum doesn't really make sense.
namun ini tidaklah terlalu rinci.
but that's not detailed enough.
sehingga memiliki anak untuk dapat bekerja tidaklah penting lagi.
so children are not of importance for work in the family.
Kantor di sini tidaklah indah.
It is not like beautiful offices here,
tidaklah lebih seimbang, namun lebih bugar.
isn't more balanced; it's more fit.
seharusnya tidaklah bertentangan.
is no contradiction.
tidaklah besar dibandingkan PDB --
they're not very big in percentage terms of GDP --
tidaklah mudah, sebuah pengaturan yang sulit.
is not easy; it's a delicate arrangement.
tidaklah benar.
is not quite right.
namun tidaklah istimewa dalam hal jumlah neuron
but it is not special in its number of neurons.
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