Indonesian to English
timor the island of Timor.
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Timor Timurthe Province of East Timor in Indonesia Its capital city is Dili

Related Word(s)

economy, even, export, region, studied


namun juga ada tempat seperti Timor Timur,
but you've also got things like East Timor
antara timor dan australia utara
between timor and northern australia
artifices dan bahaya timorously atau
artifices and dangers timorously or
atau takut pengecut timorous dejected
or frightened cowardly timorous dejected
bahaya mudah takut timorous tidak
danger easily frightened timorous not
bahaya timorously atau curiga bijaksana
dangers timorously or suspiciously prudent
bahaya venturesome berani tidak timorous
danger venturesome daring not timorous
belu berbatasan langsung dengan timor
belu is bordered by timor
berani tidak timorous atau menyusut
daring not timorous or shrinking
berbatasan langsung dengan timor leste
is bordered by timor leste
bergabung dengan baltimore news american
joins the baltimore news american
bertemu bahaya mudah takut timorous
meet danger easily frightened timorous
dan bahaya timorously atau curiga
and dangers timorously or suspiciously
dan dari kabupaten timor tengah
and kabupaten timor tengah
dan kabupaten timor tengah selatan
and kabupaten south central timor
dan timor leste akan hadir
and timor leste will attend
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