Indonesian to English
timur laut north-east
timur laut
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timureast, east [towards the east ]., east [direction from where the sun comes up ].
lautsea, ocean

Related Word(s)

eastern, northeast, northeastern, northeastward


ikan kod asin dari Kanada timur laut.
of salt cod from northeastern Canada.
Dari luar tampak seperti garasi biasa bergaya timur laut.
On the outside it looks like a typical northeastern garage.
Saya tidak tahu apakah ada yang berasal dari Pennsylvania timur laut.
I don't know if anybody might hail from northeastern Pennsylvania,
dari barat daya ke timur laut (Amerika), dan dari Eropa Barat
from the Midwest to the Northeast, and from Western Europe
di daerah yg sibuk di sebelah timur laut Pennsylvania
in that red zone in northeastern Pennsylvania,
bagian atas dan bawah pada koridor timur laut,
up and down the northeast corridor,
500 kilometer, 300 miles di Timur Laut Santiago.
500 kilometers, 300 miles northeast of Santiago.
Saya mengadakan eksperimen ini di timur laut India,
I took the experiment out to northeastern India,
Unggas berdatangan dari Anglia Timur dan seterusnya, ke daerah timur laut.
Poultry was coming in from East Anglia and so on, to the northeast.
Karena angin pasat dari timur laut
Because the northeastern trade winds,
Angin pasat dari timur laut ini mengambil
Something like 20 billion tons per day of water vapor
di timur laut Tasmania pada tahun 1996
in the northeast of Tasmania in 1996
di Israel Timur Laut.
In Northeast Israel,
Di selatan, timur laut, hampir di mana-mana
In the south, in the northeast, almost everywhere
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