Indonesian to English
timur east, east [towards the east ]., east [direction from where the sun comes up ].
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timur jauhfar east
timur lautnorth-east
timur tengahmiddle east

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aforetime, area, caught, central, circuit, east, easterly, eastern, easternmost, eastward, jl, lebaran, m, means, ngurah, northeast, northeastern, orient, oriental, orientals, placed, reached, repaired, rises, supports, tmur, ujungsukapura, west


membebaskan orang-orang dan membawa demokrasi ke Timur Tengah.
liberate the people and bring democracy to the Middle East.
sangat jarangnya air hujan di Afrika tengah dan timur.
a great lack of rain in central and eastern Africa.
bagi perempuan korban kekerasan di Timur Tengah.
for battered women in the Middle East.
di komunis Jerman Timur,
in the communist Eastern Germany,
ikan kod asin dari Kanada timur laut.
of salt cod from northeastern Canada.
dari Nagaland di Timur,
from Nagaland in the east,
Dari luar tampak seperti garasi biasa bergaya timur laut.
On the outside it looks like a typical northeastern garage.
Mungkin, mereka pertama kali bertemu di Timur Tengah
Presumably, they did so first in the Middle East,
di Timur, ada Denisovan --
in the East, there were Denisovans --
keluar dari Afrika, dan mungkin di Timur Tengah.
came out of Africa, presumably in the Middle East.
dalam peperangan di daerah timur.
due to a war in the east.
tidak berada di Timur Tengah.
are not in the Middle East.
kecuali di gunung tinggi di Afrika Timur.
except on the high mountains here in East Africa.
Migrasi yang agak belakangan terjadi ke Timur Tengah.
A slightly later migration up into the Middle East.
mengikuti padang rumput sampai ke Timur Tengah sekitar 45.000 tahun lalu,
following the grasslands into the Middle East around 45,000 years ago,
Bermigrasi ke arah timur, mengikuti padang rumput,
Migrating eastward, following the grasslands,
Saya hidup di pantai timur Amerika Utara ketika saya tidak bepergian.
I live in the Eastern Seaboard of North America when I'm not traveling.
dan kami menelusuri pantai timur untuk menjualnya.
and we drove all over the east coast trying to sell it.
Jadi ini Kalimantan Timur. Inilah tempat saya memulainya.
So we're in East Borneo. This is the place where I started.
soal konflik Timur Tengah.
about the Middle East conflict.
Di Timur Tengah, saya mengalami pekerjaan saya
In the Middle East, I experienced my work
yang membentuk kelompok wanita di Uganda Timur,
who had formed a women's group in Eastern Uganda,
Ini Amira Al Hussaini. Dia editor Timur Tengah bagi Global Voices.
So this is Amira Al Hussaini. She is the Middle East editor for Global Voices.
tentang Timur Tengah.
about the Middle East.
saya menyebut mereka Timur Baru --
I call them the New East --
dan Eropa Timur membukakan anggaran mereka kepada publik.
and Eastern Europe are opening their budgets to the public.
di sisi timur pulau Madagascar
off the east coast of Madagascar
Saya tidak sedang mencoba memecahkan masalah Timur Tengah.
I'm not trying to solve the Middle East problem.
dan kami duduk di titik paling timur dari pulau,
and we'd sit at the easternmost coast of the island,
dan hampir semua negara tersebut ada di Afrika Timur dan Afrika Selatan.
and almost all of those countries are in east or southern Africa.
Dan 33 lagi disebar antara Eropa, Timur Tengah, dan Afrika.
And 33 are spread between Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
untuk menceramahkan tentang Triniti dan Katolik di Timur Tengah,
to preach the Trinity and Catholicism in the Middle East,
dan, Anda tahu, ini seperti Hari Timur Tengah atau semacamnya.
and, you know, it was Middle East Day or something.
Saya tidak tahu apakah ada yang berasal dari Pennsylvania timur laut.
I don't know if anybody might hail from northeastern Pennsylvania,
Inggris, Australia, Selandia Baru, Eropa Barat, Eropa Timur,
The U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, Eastern Europe,
Amerika Latin, Timur Tengah, Asia Timur dan Asia Selatan.
Latin America, the Middle East, East Asia and South Asia.
dari barat daya ke timur laut (Amerika), dan dari Eropa Barat
from the Midwest to the Northeast, and from Western Europe
sama dengan keseluruhan wilayah di timur Mississippi.
was equivalent to everything east of the Mississippi.
dengan menuju ke Eropa timur.
by heading over to Eastern Europe.
Tapi buat orang-orang Eropa Timur,
But for Eastern Europeans,
karena Jepang terletak di sebelah timur Cina.
because Japan lies to the east of China.
letaknya di pantai timur dari benua itu --
It's an island off the east coast of that continent --
dan juga kurang lebih di pantai timur Amerika Utara.
and also the east coast of North America fairly well.
sebagian besar dari apa yang sekarang kita kenal sebagai Cina Timur,
most of what we now know as Eastern China,
Yah, pada dasarnya Timur ditelan oleh Barat.
Well, basically the East was swallowed by the West.
Maksud saya, contoh Asia Timur.
I mean, take the question of East Asia.
Asia Timur: Jepang, Korea, Cina, dll -
East Asia: Japan, Korea, China, etc. --
bahwa orang-orang dari Asia Timur,
that East Asianers, people from East Asia,
dibandingkan Barat terhadap Asia Timur.
than the West is about East Asia.
mengelilingi Laut Cina Selatan, Laut Cina Timur
around the South China Sea, the East China Sea
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