Indonesian to English
toko roti bakery
toko roti
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tokoshop, store
rotibread, bun

Related Word(s)

bakeries, bakery


yang ada di sebuah Toko Roti Mom & Pop
that appeared in a mom and pop bakery
bahwa Toko Roti College mengatakan,
that the College Bakery said,
kecuali bayangkan itu bukanlah Toko Roti College,
except imagine it doesn't say College Bakery,
Ada pertama kali Anda berjalan melalui toko roti yang pintunya terbuka
There was the first time you walked by the open door of a bakery
Anda bisa mencium wangi toko roti, berjalan-jalan dengan rambut kehujanan,
You can smell bakery air, walk around with rain hair,
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