Indonesian to English
tolong help
please wait
by Xamux Translate


  1. bantu
    (angkat, bela, beri, dukung, sangga, santuni, sokong, sumbang, tolong, topang, tunjang)
  2. sokong
tolong janganplease don''t
tolong menolonghelp each other

Related Word(s)

cried, do, favor, groan, help, helped, israelites, just, make, may, mercy, once, out, please, pray, quick, remember, serve, somebody, succoured, supplication, supported, today


Video: Baiklah, tolong mulai waktunya. Studio 30 detik.
Video: All right, start the clock please. 30 seconds studio.
Tolong, hanya 30 detik, mungkin bicara dengan tetangga anda,
Please, just take 30 seconds, perhaps talk to your neighbor,
dan tolong tebak apa yang seharusnya menjadi prioritas utama
and just figure out what should be the top priorities
dan kakek buyut saya, yang mana mereka bisa tolong lebih banyak,
and my great grandfather, whom they could have helped so much more,
yang berkata, "Tolong datang dan bantu kami.
saying, "Please come help.
menghafal ikon suara di kiri bawah ini, tolong
was memorize this lower-left sound icon, please.
Tolong angkat tangan.
Hands up, please.
Tolong berputar sedikit, Costa.
Would you just give us a little twirl, please, Costa?
Jadi tolong tunjukkan tangan anda --
So quick show of hands --
yang gagal kita tolong.
we failed to help.
Tolong bantu
So please help us on this one
tolong bilang ke orang-orang TED, saya tidak akan datang.
tell the TED guys I just won't show up.
Mereka bahkan memasang nomor telepon: "Tolong telpon nomor ini
And they would put a number: "Please call this number
Mereka meminta, "Tolong, buat cerita kami berkelana denganmu."
They asked me, "Please, make our story travel with you."
Baiklah, kita hentikan di sini. Tolong lampunya dinyalakan kembali.
Okay, can we cut that? Lights back up please.
Contoh: Tolong jelaskan kami proses
Example: Please tell us the process
kenapa saya menghiraukan proses, pahami saya, tolong."
why I don't care for the processes. Just understand me, please."
"Tolong, bisakah Anda membantu kami untuk benar-benar
"Please, could you help us to actually
Dia takut dia akan merusak pasien yang dia ingin tolong.
He was afraid of doing damage to the patients he was trying to help.
Andrew, tolong pasang grafiknya.
Andrew, can you put that chart up?
Kita sedang belajar tentang esai kuliah. Tolong kirim mereka."
We're working on our college essays. Send them in."
karena liberal suka mengatakan "Tolong ambilkan"
Because liberals like to say, "Fetch, please."
Tolong balikkan selembar kertas yang tadi kamu sketsa,
Turn that piece of paper that you did the sketch on
OK. Tolong taruh pensilmu, seperti yang mereka katakan.
Okay. Put down your pencils, as they say.
Sisanya diisi oleh "itu sikutnya jangan ditaro di atas meja" dan "tolong oper sausnya."
The rest of it's taken up with "take your elbows off the table" and "pass the ketchup."
"Bisa tolong beritahu mami nanti
"Could you please tell my mommy
"Tolong! Saya terbakar!" --
"Help! I'm on fire!" --
tolong tunjukkan kepada saya satu berkas tulisan
please show me a sheaf of texts
yang harus saya tolong."
I have to serve."
Tolong putar video pertama.
Play video one.
Tolong tetap disini, karena saya ingin bertanya
Stay with me, because I have a question for you.
Dan ingat, tolong ingat pesan utama saya,
And remember, please remember my main message,
Tolong angkat tangan anda.
Please raise your hand --
Tapi tolong di luar ya"
Just do it outside, please."
"Maaf, bisa minta tolong mengambil foto kami?."
"Will you take our picture?"
dan berkata, "Nigel, tolong jemput putra terkecil kita,"
and said, "Nigel, you need to pick our youngest son" --
Jadi tolong, tanya diri anda sendiri,
So, please ask yourselves,
Tapi, tolong perhatikan bahwa ada dua cara melihat kubus itu, benar?
But now, notice there are two ways of seeing the cube, right?
dan tolong bawa laki - laki
and please bring that man
Berapa orang yang merasa dirinya pencipta. Tolong tunjuk tangan.
How many people here would say you're a maker, if you raise your hand?
Bisa tolong kembalikan bebek saya?
May I have my duck back, please?
-- bapak-bapak dan ibu-ibu, tolong serius.
-- gentlemen and ladies, be serious.
dan berkata, "Leymah, tolong bawa putri saya.
and said, "Leymah, take my daughter.
Cahaya itu seperti teriakan minta tolong.
The flash is like a scream for help.
Ini adalah teriakan minta tolong, untuk menarik perhatian.
It's a scream for help; it's meant to attract attention.
Tapi tolong diingat, orang-orang di Baghdad,
But remember, the people in Baghdad,
Bisa tolong jelaskan ?
What is this?
tolong beri tahu saya.
please let me know.
(Membaui) (Batuk) Tolong Anda baui, Pak juru kamera.
(Sniffs) (Coughs) Have a smell of that, mister cameraman.
Dan Anda berkata, "Hei, bisa tolong bawakan susu skimnya?"
And you say, "Hey, could you bring the skim milk?"
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