ton | ton |
ton | |||
ton register | register ton |
tonase | tonnage. |
toner | millionaire (in colonial era). |
tong | barrel, cask |
tong air hujan | rainbarrel |
tong bulat | round tongs |
tong cuci | washtub |
tong gesrek | scouring barrel |
tong kecil | keg |
tong mesiu | podwer keg |
tong paku | nail-keg |
tong sampah | dustbin |
tong/puntung/penumpu | butt |
tongak | see DONGAK. |
tongcai | tongcai |
tongeret | katydid |
tonggak | post, pole, milestone |
tonggak menara | pylon |
tonggak mil | milestone |
tonggak penambat [kapal] | bollard |
cluster, dozen, populated, pounds, said, tones, tonne, tonnes, tons, year |
Contohmenumpahkan 1.300 ton minyak, spilling 1,300 tons of fuel,
Kami mengambilnya dari tanah, kami membakar berton-ton energi, It is that thing that we pump out of the ground, we burn tons of,
ketika anda mempertimbangkan magnet itu beratnya lebih dari 20 ton, when you consider those magnets weigh over 20 tons,
Anda memerlukan puluhan ribu ton air -- You need something like tens of megatons of water --
hampir jutaan ton air -- almost a gigaton of water --
Saya ingin Anda membayangkan bahwa berat benda ini 2 ton. What I want you to imagine is this is two tons in weight.
untuk mengangkat sesuatu seberat 2 ton to carry something that is two tons
karena harus membawa muatan 2 ton, because it has to launch two tons of weight,
Kerangkanya sendiri beratnya 2 ton. The fabric alone weighs two tons.
Sementara rata-rata warga AS mengeluarkan sekitar 17,5 metrik ton. The average US citizen emits about 17.5 metric tons.
yang memiliki massa setidaknya 2.000 ton. that has a mass of at least 2,000 tons.
Kita menggunakan lebih dari 5 milyar ton batu bara. We use over five billion tons of coal,
menghilangkan 156 ton besi baja di angkasa. right through 156 tons of steel in the sky.
Kami telah kehilangan 7 ton oksigen. We had lost seven tons of oxygen.
ke mana hilangnya 7 ton oksigen itu. where those seven tons of oxygen had gone.
bangunan beputar seberat 2.000 ton 2,000 tons of rotating building.
Emisi Karbondioksia, metrik ton perkapita. Carbon-dioxide emission, metric ton per capita.
Ini 1962, dan Amerika Serikat mengeluarkan emisi 16 ton perorang. This is 1962, and United States was emitting 16 tons per person.
serta India mempunyai emisi 0,32 ton perkapita. and India was emitting 0.32 tons per capita.
rata-rata emisi karbon kami adalah sekitar dua ton per tahun. our average carbon emission will have to be about two tons per year.
India sudah pada posisi dua ton per tahun. India is already at two tons per year.
sekitar 20 miliar ton uap air per hari is sucked up by the northeastern trade winds,
Kita membuang ratusan juta ton plastik We're putting hundreds of millions of tons of plastic
Jutaan ton jala-jala ikan yang terbuang, Millions of tons of discarded fishing nets,
dan sedang mengambil ratusan juta ton margasatwa, and we're taking out hundreds of millions of tons of wildlife,
seberat 89 ton. in the body of 89 tons.
Benda logam -- walaupun sangat kecil, hanya beberapa ton -- Metallic objects -- albeit very small ones, a few tons at most --
kita telah menambahkan 70 juta ton CO2 we've added 70 million tons of CO2
25 juta ton per hari ke samudera. 25 million tons every day to the oceans.
satu ton per inci persegi. a ton per square inch.
yang penuh motivasi seberat lebih dari 1 ton. of Earth scientists and pilots.
kami akan menghilangkan berton-ton is that we're going to eliminate tons of
Dalam hal emisi karbon per ton per mil, In terms of carbon emissions per ton per mile,
Burung-burung ini diburu karena dagingnya, yang dijual berton-ton, These birds were hunted for meat that was sold by the ton,
mengobrol di antara berton-ton sampah ini. and chatting amongst these tons of garbage.
bila Anda bilang, "Kami akan beli 300 ton produk ini. if you say, "We will buy 300 metric tons of this.
Diameternya 22 meter, bobotnya 7000 ton. 22 meters in diameter, 7,000 tons.
Anda butuh orang yang ingin memakai berton-ton pakaian. You need people to want to wear tons of clothes.
dan kita akan berjuang mengurangi ratusan ton." and we're going to lose a million pounds."
sekitar 26 milyar ton. over 26 billion tons.
Untuk tiap orang Amerika, sekitar 20 ton. For each American, it's about 20 tons;
Untuk orang di negara miskin, bisa kurang dari satu ton. for people in poor countries, it's less than one ton.
Dengan rata-rata sekitar lima ton untuk semua orang di planet. It's an average of about five tons for everyone on the planet.
kita telah turun dari 26 milyar, hingga mungkin 13 milyar ton, we've gone from 26 billion to, at best, maybe 13 billion tons,
Totalnya lima sampai sepuluh ton setiap hari That comes out at five to 10 tons daily
berjalan 148 mil setahun membawa 35 ton air. walked 148 miles a year carrying 35 tons of water.
150 sampai 180 ton per tahun, 150 to 180 metric tons per year
ton sampah di dalamnya tons of trash in it,
mengeluarkan emisi 1 ton CO2 setiap ton semen. emits a ton of CO2 for every ton of cement.
dan mengikat setengah ton CO2, and actually sequestering half a ton of CO2