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  1. benjolan
  2. jendulan
  3. aksen
  4. titik berat

Related Word(s)

actin, bulge, bulges, bumps, hump, jut, projections, prominence, protrusion, protuberance, protuberances, ridge, shell


hanya dua tonjolan –
just two protrusions --
Anda akan mendapat tonjolan seukuran 1 milimeter.
you would be left with bumps that are one millimeter high.
Perhatikan, tonjolan lainnya yang lebih kecil.
Notice these other, smaller protuberances.
gunung ini ada pada tonjolan Bumi sehingga puncaknya
it's riding that bulge, and so the summit of Chimborazo
mungkin bola biliar dengan sedikit tonjolan di tengah.
presumably a billiard ball with a slight bulge around the middle.
yang membentuk permukaan yang kasar dan penuh tonjolan.
that form a very rough and craggly surface.
Ada tonjolan-tonjolan di sayapnya.
It's got bumps on the back of its wing covers.
Tonjolan itu berfungsi seperti magnet untuk menarik air.
And those bumps act like a magnet for water.
Kabut datang dan butir air terbentuk di ujung tonjolan itu.
And the fog comes in and it builds up on the tips.
ada banyak tonjolan kecil di sana.
there are lots of little bumps on that shell.
Tonjolan-tonjolan bersifat hidrofil: menarik air.
And those bumps are hydrophilic; they attract water.
ketika butiran air terbentuk di tonjolan,
as the droplets start to form on the bumps,
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