tps | [Tempat Pemungutan Suara] poll, voting place. |
tps | |||
area, dump, locations, place, places, polling, polls, society, stations, temporary, thursday |
ContohSebagai contoh, anda datang ke TPS, So for example, you come to the polling station,
dan petugas TPS meminta tanda pengenal anda and a poll station worker asks for your ID
Lalu panitia TPS akan So you let a poll station worker
ketika saya minta murid-murid untuk pergi ke TPS. when I asked the students to go to the polls.
basis data sistem https launchpad the system database https launchpad
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ctps sebelum makan pagi ctps ctps before breakfast ctps
ctps sebelum makan siang ctps ctps prior to lunch ctps
cuci tangan pakai sabun ctps hand washing with soap
dan tempat pembuangan sampah tps and dump sites
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eko menambahkan nantinya tpst itu eko added that tpst
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hektar waduk dan tpst marunda hectares the tpst marunda reservoir
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