tragis | tragic. |
tragis | |||
tragic | |
adjective satellite |
very sad; especially involving grief or death or destruction
sangat sedih, terutama yang melibatkan kesedihan atau kematian atau kehancuran
anguish, tragic, tragical, tragically |
Contohdan yang paling tragis mengenai hal ini and most tragic about this
Di tahun 2004 secara tragis, And tragically in [2003],
tapi sayangnya, sesuatu yang tragis terjadi setelah itu. but, unfortunately, something tragic happened right after.
Meskipun kehidupan sangat tragis, In spite of a very tragic life,
Ethan Zuckerman: Jelas, ini adalah situasi tragis, Ethan Zuckerman: Obviously, this is a tragic situation,
kita diingatkan pada kekuatan alam itu sendiri secara tragis we've been tragically reminded of the destructive power of nature itself
Itu benar-benar saat yang tragis And it was obviously a tragic moment
dari kematian tragis of the tragic loss of lives
Saudara saya, Henry, meninggal dengan tragis My brother, Henry, he died tragically
yang saat ini secara tragis telah begitu diabaikan, which is so woefully neglected at the moment,
Tapi hal yang menarik dari keragaman ini -- dan hal yang tragis -- But the interesting thing is that this diversity -- and the tragic thing is --
Masa-masa itu merupakan masa tragis dan sulit. It was a very tragic time. It was a very difficult time.
di mana terjadi peristiwa tragis yaitu and this really tragic thing happened where
atau saat terjadi peristiwa tragis. and something horrible is happening.
untuk merekam satu detik dari peristiwa tragis itu. to record even just that one second of a really bad moment.
karena musibah tragis bernama paranoid skizofrenia. by a tragic affliction with paranoid schizophrenia.
dan mungkin, yang paling tragis, dia kehilangan penghargaan akan dirinya. And perhaps most tragically, he lost his self-worth.
gempa bumi tragis yang baru saja terjadi di Haiti. the tragic earthquake that just occurred in Haiti.
Itu sungguh tragis. It was so tragic.
memahami bahwa humor, bahkan humor tragis understand that humor and even black humor
? Hidupku dulu tragis dan sedih, ? ? My life was tragic and sad. ?
Seringkali, akibat dari sindrom Capgras sangat tragis. Now often, a result of Capgras syndrome is tragic.
Kita menemui kasus tragis pembunuhan demi kehormatan We had a tragic case of an honor killing
Ayah saya mengalami kecelakaan mobil tragis My father had been in a catastrophic car accident,
bila anda memikirkan itu, gagasan itu berlawanan dengan ide tragis tentang alam yang ada di kepala kita, is that, if you think about it, this completely contradicts the tragic idea of nature we hold in our heads,